
I liked Gavin and Stacey when it was on, but that was a long time back and I haven't seen it since. His stuff after though… Horne and Corden is probably the worst sketch show I've seen that wasn't made by Matt Lucas and David Walliams.

Would you say that like Tennessee Williams you wait for the click?

Just be polite and say something vague

I'm kinda happy they're not going to be in the next series - they'd been through so much, I'd like to think that they get to keep that happy ending.

It kinda has, in the last couple of years there's been bands like Modern Baseball and Sorority Noise that are emo in the former sense.

There's a story that she was in the studio doing the vocals with Kirsty MacColl (who sang back-up on Ullman's version) and neither of them could nail the 'baby' from Kirsty's version, which is why they used the original.

Dexys aren't one hit wonders!

That's a pretty weird read on it…

I took for granted that it was

Yeah, Macbeth was a beloved war hero who, once given some power couldn't stop reaching for more and more and going slowly mad. Trump starts out mad and power hungry.

First 10 minutes or so, when it's just Elton hanging out with LINDA and playing ELO songs is pretty fun as a look at in-universe Doctor fandom. Anything after Peter Kay arrives is awful and deserves to be scrubbed from existence.

How is 'working in the field' automatically about slavery? You know farmers exists, yeah?

'Sumer Is Icumen In' of course.

Hell, there's not a catch-all 'English accent'. Try telling me a Brummie, a Geordie and a Londoner all sound the same.

Yes, all followers of one of the world's largest religions are inherently violent. That definitely sounds real.

You see it in the New Atheist crowds (like Dick Dawks) - essentially they can throw it around like a slur, but be able to defend it with 'oh, but it's a legitimate historical term' or whatever.

After the shitshow of series four, hey why not? couldn't make it any more ridiculous.


Yeah, as he was constantly respawned every Doctor was a 'new' one so overall the Doctor was only ever in there for as long as it took to look around, find the wall, and die punching through it (until the last loop).

ooh, details!