
It was sometimes easy to pull out jokes written by Harris Wittells, who had quite a distinctive voice, but yeah otherwise it's basically an amalgamation

John Sim's take on The Master was almost definitely based on Tony Blair

Believe me, go to Springsteen message boards and they complain about his setlists there as well. Super fans are just never happy.

With Lucas and Walliams being some of the worst offenders.

No offense meant, but just because you haven't heard it doesn't mean it isn't a common phrase.

It's still weird to see him not being Poirot…

Depends, but where I went to uni the residents hated the students.

I assume that they are being relayed it through Will, maybe? I can't say I noticed, but I supposed I didn't think about he rules of sensating.

I worked in a primary school - a couple of kids there said when asked about Star Wars that 'Clones' was their favourite movie and Anakin their favourite character.

If you're really wanting to push the boat out, we offer a luxury 'Summer in Siam' experience as well.

Yeah it's called 'Just Look Them Straight In The Eye And Say…Pogue Mahone!!' and it's a great odds and sods compilation. Some real gems on there (no pun intended I guess)

Which also makes the whole Freddy subplot in My Fair Lady weird and pointless as there's no pay-off to his being there.

Though he is technically Mr. Wednesday's son, going by the original mythology, so it works

I think the 'sunshine in a bag' was meant to refer to him riding of with a bag of gold or something in one of the movies as well.

You get that with some reviews - it seems like the writer has a list of good put-downs that they just reach for, regardless of whether the context makes sense.

Yeah, way back in the first series it was supposed to be a 'social experiment' type thing

I wouldn't say Mendes is adult pop - his stuff is very teen orientated.

It's actually really good. I hated series two, but now I'm sad the show is going

The BBC calls them "so-called Islamic State" which just sounds wonderfully passive aggressive

I thought you meant John Cooper Clarke - you almost gave me a heart attack!