
I haven't seen Rosalita… Although my first concert of his I saw he played the entire Born To Run album front to back.

I love that they haven't dropped the politics, if anything the backlash to the Bush thing made then more publicly political…

Well, what about LGBT POC?

I… didn't know that was a thing. That sounds horrible.

Truth be told, the only kink that I just find absolutely revolting is rape play, because ew

Conversely, Stephen Amell on a salmon ladder made me realise some things about myself…

Man, if only the person that does the headlines was a fan of Babyshambles, it could have been 'Cuck Forever'

Yeah, it seemed to be like the standard prestige-drama anti-hero just with the twist that it's set in the Vatican. I mean, I guess it could take a different, more interesting direction, but I wasn't too impressed. Visuals were good, though.


Where are the Scrawlers of yesteryear?

Well, Nottingham was known as 'Shottingham' because of it having the highest levels of gun crime in the UK.

Men's Needs, Women's Needs, Whatever is such a great album but I haven't really connected to any of their subsequent material.

And Pete Seeger was an SJB (social justice bard)

Seconded. Plus they manage to do the 'Sherlock has emotions' thing in a much more enjoyable and less smug way.

Cloud Atlas is an entire film of that…

I mean, it technically existedalready but it never really needed to be called that.

Didn't you hear - they were literally the only band in the 60s.

This looks fantastic. I love The Decemberists: I don't care if that's uncool or whatever.

There kind of is…

Yeah, that struck me as odd - he was having loads of fun when I saw them.