
I've learned not to hate CS so much because, working in a school, it turns out that it's one of the best (of the main MS fonts) for children and those with difficulty reading.

Yeah, live versions of Prove It All Night from the Darkness tour are a great showcase too.

I didn't even really realise it was such an unusual thing until it was pointed out by an American, but yeah here in Britain even small villages have great curry restaurants.

Invented just down the road in Birmingham

Scottish, specifically, as far as any definite origin can be nailed down.

That's a really interesting read on it - I hadn't considered that.

It was mostly the out of nowhere flat-out hatred of Springsteen that tipped me off, but the capitalisation helped.


Do you think at her age it is right?

It was worth it for Michael Clarke Duncan, if I remember.

Heyyyy now, don't dream it's over

I wasn't sure if it was intentional because Amazon Prime's video player is kinda glitchy itself, but it did make me think something weird was going on.

Dammit! That would have been perfect

"Sex Box Bake Off" - a nude couple is sent into a tent with no cameras and emerge with a Victoria Sponge.

I don't know how the show is made, but it feels to me that the producers, knowing Mel and Sue are funny, just give them room to joke around.

I kinda think one of the biggest issues will be the advert breaks and the change-up of the format that that will entail.

Oh cripes, I engaged one of those troll things, didn't I? Oh dear.

Watching the show in the light of their recent departure, it's even more apparent how great Mel and Sue are, and how the show would struggle without them. Paul and Mary going would be the nails in the coffin.

I assure you we very much do care.

The eternal paradox facing the far-right: how to make offensive Holocaust jokes while also denying that the Holocaust happened.