
You Can't Hide Your Likes Forever

They're so bloody nice!

And Nils is presumably still criminally underused.

Hopefully it will end with a reason to believe.

Well, he's a solo artist so I'm pretty sure he contractually has to.

Ow man, that Stings

Everything I read about it makes it sound terrible, and yet the critics are all raving about it. That said, he is firmly an established literary fiction author, the kind that writers will always give a great review to, even when the book is sub-par (you know - the review will always say "His best since [the last book

Ever since this was announced I'd assumed it was a set of acoustic versions of tracks, as in taken from radio sessions and the like. That would have been of some value. This sounds pointless.

Any Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band track post-78, then?

More like Alan Boer with all that farming in South Africa.

He's a lovely guy. My sister helped with the lights and sound for the Arts Lab and he made her a cup of tea during the rehearsal.

Moore is actually a really well-adjusted, dare I say 'normal', kinda guy. He just also happens to be a wizard.

I would love to see more short stories set in Westeros to be honest. One of the great things about Dunk and Egg is the smaller scale.

Sweet! I love this one.

I've not really heard of him, but he sounds like he was the Harris Wittels of his day.

Enjoy your death-trap ladies!

Is this a cultural thing? In the UK, at least, The BFG is really well-known (as are most Dahl books). Guess we're not a huge market though.

At the risk of opening that can of worms again, I have never seen any Roman Polanski movies.

Wee bit defensive there, man. Not to mention intentionally misreading what the OP wrote.

It's the classic problem with putting people on pedestals. We project ideals on t them and are then angry when they fail to live up to our hopes. It's a feeling of betrayal, I guess, even though that's silly when you think about it because they never promised us anything.