
Are you John Cusack in Being John Malkovich?


"I do not avoid women, Mandrake… but I do deny them my essence."

I assumed it was a bait and switch, considering that would have been the most obvious answer.

I assume you mean Nelson Caspar van Alden, sworn agent of the United States Treasury!

Pig Bodine and his ancestor, Fender-Belly Bodine, get an honourable mention too.

I feel like a lot of what people get out of these stories would be lost in adaptation. Like the biggest pull is the fact that they are presented as things that actually happened, as well as the fact that any horrific monsters or whatever are created by your imagination. On screen it'd be hard for it to not come across

I'd kinda forgotten how nutty some of the lore for the first game is…

Looks like it'll be a good idea to wait for the Director's Cut, like with HR.

Exactly - I mean if anything Augs are set up as above humanity (in a transhuman way) or at least consider themselves so, so trying to portray them as an oppressed underclass just comes off as wrong.

I hate that this is now something I know. You're a bad person.

Or maybe he had…

Thanks! I knew it looked wrong when I wrote it.

If it's Them then somebody's going ti get hurt…

Sense8 redeemed that song.

Judging from setlists, everyone seems to have agreed to forget Working on a Dream happened.

And they've managed to do that without ruining the mystery around the character.

Plus looking at the gave-peeing scene it seems like WhiteRose may have fully transitioned (I'm not sure what the proper term would be)

I think as long as they film it soon-ish then it'll just be realistic - the series is set a year later and teh kids are roughly a year older.

Stranger Things 2 The Streets