
I’ve never seen a photo of these two before, and I’ve got to say that there’s something vaguely disturbing about each of them, which is amplified with them together.

I’m guessing lots of movies starring Kevin Sorbo.

Orange Julius is still around! I see them mostly now combined with Dairy Queen (my favorite combination right after A&W/Long John Silver’s). I sometimes get an original orange at the Lake Forest oasis on the toll road outside of Chicago when I’m driving through.

So was Musicland the midwestern version of Sam Goody? I grew up in the South Bend area and the only reason I even knew Sam Goody existed was from TV & movies. There was a Musicland in my local mall until sometime in the 2000's, I think.

Same here. Over one summer I went from a happy, confident, semi-popular 6th grader to an isolated, bullied, miserable wreck of a 7th grader. I still don’t quite understand how that happened so quickly and without anything seemingly precipitating it other than moving up to junior high. Thank God it only lasted two

I still have a Superdisk peripheral that I bought to go with my blueberry clamshell G3 iBook. Still have the iBook, too!

You McMuffin people are wrong. Bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits are far superior.

Yoopers are residents of the Upper Peninsula. UP-ers. Get it? We call lower peninsula residents “trolls” because they live “below” the Mackinac Bridge that connects the two peninsulas.

Yoopers were excited though somewhat confused by this episode. I love that Pera is eating a pasty in his car.

Republican politicians are very pro-education when it is focused on “vocational” or “job-training” programs. They are happy to spend money to train the unwashed masses to perform skilled labor that they would never do themselves, but certainly don’t want the peasants educated so they have the means to recognize and

Every time a song by Dawes comes up on my streaming station, I yell “Dawes!”. And then I feel a little sad.

Emo Phillips was great! He tweaked his set a bit over the course of the tour and I found the later show even funnier than the first.

I saw two concerts on this tour, including the final night last Sunday. I didn’t think it was possible to surpass the first concert, early in the tour, just because I thought the set list was just about perfect. But Sunday’s show absolutely blew my mind. The highlights were a version of “Albuquerque” in which he got

I live in Michigan but stream “The Current”, an MPR radio station, most mornings, and the morning hosts have been talking about the “MPR raccoon” practically non-stop. As of 7 am Central, it’s unknown if it’s in the live trap that was set on the roof. And for everyone bitching about the national coverage of the story,

“Reruns” of Taxi? I can’t be the only Gen X-or-older still hanging around this site who watched it first run.

This guy’s going to get the death penalty. You don’t fuck with sausages (especially Johnsonville) in Wisconsin.

Jet’s is in the U.P. now!

I’m seeing him for the second time on his “Self Indulgent” tour, and can’t wait. The first one was just about perfect, though I was actually a bit disappointed when he ended with a medley of parodies. C’mon Al, stick to your principles!

So was this prompted by the Consumer Reports review? If so, the implication that CR is biased is pretty ridiculous.

I saw Ready Player One at the “real” theater and Phantom Thread at the local college. RPO was fun, though I thought the pop-culture references were rather forced, but how did I not have any clue about the weird plot twist in Phantom Thread? I’ve been following discussions of Oscar-nominated and other “prestige” movies