
It actually looks like a pretty nice French press for $22, "optical" temperature or not!

But in the case of food, "organic" has a very specific and legally defined meaning. Foods can't claim to be organic unless they use certified organic ingredients; dry cleaners, not so much.

It's the early 50's in a nutshell!

A year ago? The visceral hate for Hillary has been around since Bill's presidency. They've just had a way to channel it in this election.

A wonderful friend just shared her cable password with me when I was heartbroken that I would't be able to see the Cubs in the playoffs because they're on some extended cable channel I don't get. So maybe I'll check these out.


Well, violent crime rates were a lot higher back then!

This is why I love the AV Club. Bless you all.

I'm an anti-Trump gun owner. I'll protect you!

I feel the same way. Can you imagine what the flights that serve KFC mentioned in the article smelled like?

My very first flight was to Hawaii when I was 12 in the early 80's. They served omelets, and there was about an inch of cheese in the middle. I scarfed mine down and was nauseous the rest of the trip. I couldn't eat a cheese omelet for at least a decade after that.

I would have preferred the dong show!

When he fist showed up on the show I was afraid he was going to be portrayed as a doofus, but I was pleased that he ended up a nerdy but knowledgable dude who can apparently score with the ladies!

Also a Bill Maher tweet.

How do you "minimize the situation" of carrying a dead body rolled up in a carpet???

Despite my initial reservations (and the occasional "artisanal" bullshit), I am enjoying the staff picks column. Pop Chart Lab is pretty cool!

Tonight's review on All Things Considered was also quite positive.

I've never understood that.

Unthawed!! Are you from the Upper Peninsula of MI? I've only heard that particular malapropism up here. It even shows up in the local paper sometimes.

Damn right. I loved Arby's "roast beef" sandwiches as a kid, and one of my first young culinary adventures was trying to replicate Arby's sauce. I can't remember what I put it on, as I doubt we had roast beef in the house, but I remember I got pretty close to the original!