
I’d just like to drive to work and not get stuck in roadworks, or trapped behind a line of tanker-wankers from the local dairy plant. I call either pretty ambitious. 

She might have a certain superficial physical look, but true ugliness goes to the bone. And this girl is ugly to the core. More rotten than a slurry pit in a feedlot in a heatwave. 

Not sure I like the phrase “data loss” used in any connection with “human brain”.

Burn the stomach lining off, yeah, we know. We’ve all had a vindaloo. It still doesn’t work. 

Now playing

They were just the Good Ol’ Boys, Never Meaning No Harm...

Kinda implied. You don’t have to play coy with us, we’re all adults here, we don’t need the foreplay. We all understand veiled meanings. 

Yeah, I don’t get it either. But what do I know. 

And we’re not chopping this out of our genome, because?

Okay, so let me just say what is meant by that...

But not the fast food delivery? That is probably a good call by the bear. The driver is probably more edible than most takeouts. 

My approach too. Too many pureists would never put tyre to tarmac if they had their way. I’ve seen people turn up to carmoots with their supposedly running cars in the back of lorries, and they just run them for five minutes to show the judges, and then they go straight back into the lorry and back to the garage. And

I’ve not worried too much about using genuine replacement parts. I use whatever fits. It is a British Leyland special, there is no point getting precious over it. BL certainly didn’t. You think BL wouldn’t have crammed in a Ford escort seat in the front and a Vauxhall Nova bench in the back if they could’ve gotten

Moody stare, reluctant hero, textured suit, a mysterious skybeam... I feel like I’ve already seen this movie before, and before, and before, and before.

Now playing

For a start, the older and grittier Old Man Robin Hood movie has been done. It was done nearly fifty years ago.

There is an old saying, that if you don’t see the person being complained about then the first place you need to look is a mirror.

Our pitch? Jackman’s Robin will reckon with his past life of pulling off crimes with his Merry Men. Now gravely injured and a “battle worn” loner,

They are already full of toxic gym-bros, how much worse could they get?

I’ve seen her before, she drinks down my pub. Double gin and tonic, hold the tonic; that’s her order. 

Clearing out all the carboard boxes in the garage that have surrounded it since Christmas. Where does all this crap even come from? I can put the car away nice and neat in an empty garage and by Easter it is surrounded by its own cardboard box fort.

I once drove from Kilmarnock in the UK to Gibraltar for a holiday, vacation for all you Americans, taking the Portsmouth/Bilbao ferry. So it was like a little minicruise inbetween and we cut out driving through France. Which seemed fun, except that one of my friends I was sharing the driving with went and lost the car