
Or, more likely, it is a joke about eating Tide Pods. Because the latter is more Ryan Reynoldsian. 

Just give us a damn Pam and Krieger spin off, already!!

See, this is how I can tell that that the anti-de extintionist movement is, like PETA, pushing an ideology and not science. The implication that Dolly’s death had anything to do with her being a clone. And it did not. Don’t believe me?

Can’t wait to see how the DNR manages the tags on them. 

They are the marketing material to get people in the door.

This very website has gone on record as saying that her illness were not due to being a clone. She died of a type of cancer that is super fucking common in sheep.

It is complicated. There does seem a level of social behavior that is hard coded, but that level varies between species. Humans, for example, have very little hard coding [see feral children, as example] but some animals have it baked in right from the off. I’d think thylacines would have more hard coded behaviors

And social behaviors change as well. The social behaviors in animals that have developed to survive alongside humanity, raccoons, foxes, coyotes, etc, have all changed their social behavors massively from their own forebears a mere 500 years ago. So, yeah, they’d be normal modern thylacines et al, just ones that went

How did the Koalas get it in the first place? Did someone fuck a koala? Because I’m thinking someone fucked a koala. 

Screw the Kuiper Belt, it is Oort Cloud or bust. 

Can we get that in some sort of legally binding form, please? Because I’m not sure my heart can take any more broken promises of hope. 

The new Godzilla movie is clearly going in a strange direction. 

For a start “Commander” Bond has to be in his late thirties, just to make rank in the RN. Also, there is a certain world weary savagery to Bond, he’s cynical and savage because of his age, not in spite of it. I think Bond has to be older, just to fit in with the character backstory. I suppose you could change that,

It is Star Trek, people walk off a case of the deadsies all the time in Trek. It is one of the series oldest plotlines pretty much. A quick trip to the Black Mountain, shake the hand of the Koala, and he’s back in the game no worries. 

I call bullshit, no other animal on the planet, save maybe the cockroach, has embraced the phrase “eh, close enough” as their motto as much as humanity has. We’ve practically made “but you’d be amazed what you can live through” our defining evolutionary drive. I don’t think we need to make things exactly earthlike.

So what disastrous news at Tesla or Space X is he hoping to distract from with this stunt? Whenever he pulls shit like this it is always to draw headlines from something else. 

Maybe near a window? Since he loves Russia and Daddy Vladdy so much?

Anyone that signs up for this deserves to get ripped off. Fool me once, etc..

I was at a lecture recently with an epidemiologist explaining that we got super-duper lucky with Covid that it wasn’t even slightly more fatal/communicable. We got hit with the C-tier of pandemics, and still could not cope. It is no comfort to those who died or became permanently disabled, but at the same time, we

What is North Brother Island like these days?