
Yeah, but I still don’t see the Sailor Moon/Ranma crossover we’re all waiting for. 

A day late and a dollar short on this one. The time to be knocking China back on its heels was twenty years ago, but we decided to dick around in the Middle East and Afghanistan instead. We let China overtake us, this is our own fault. 

This is how China is fixing to win WW3. America and her Allies depend on satellites for everything, not just militarily but for everything in our civilians lives. China likes the high tech stuff, but it won’t kill their society if they lose it. In fact, it would help cut down on some of the more irritating pockets of

Because it isn’t us doing it, and how dare other countries have their own foreign and defense policies... 

And above all, try to avoid brands which have been bought by Diageo; because they have no respect for the history of the brands they buy and often close down the distilleries, breweries, and blending houses to move them to more centralized locations. Fuck Diageo. 

And the director’s fans are secretly happy they can finally watch a non pretentious movie too, they just whine about it and pretend they aren’t to protect their own cred afterwards.

Disney learned that one the hard way with TLJ, when they killed the Star Wars cinematic franchise by letting Rian Johnson do exactly that. 

Are you kidding me? Gen X was born selling out, selling out has been our dream. 

Because nobody wants another Fan4stic or Solo: A Star Wars Story, or Star Wars: The Last Jedi, where they hire a director for cachet their name brings but then the whole thing turns into a shit show where the tone of the movie is at complete odds with the viewer expectations and general franchise image. Nobody wants

I hope he sues. And I hope he gets a massive pay off too. 

In L&O-verse, IA exists only to either rubber stamp the corrupt cop’s actions or to be corrupt themselves. So we’re back to corrupt. This is why L&O cannot help but be copaganda. 

Will he be:

Is he shorting stocks again? Someone check to see his buy/sell with Hertz shares.

We can do more than one thing at a time.

But has she been meeting with Joe “fuck you, Joe” Manchin and his unholy sister, the Karen in Chief? Because if I had to pick a potential plague rat and call coming from inside the house, it would be those pair of actually-Republicans.

Oh man, Transformers. The one that got me wasn’t Optimus dying, I was used to heroes dying mid movie to give the new guy a chance to rise up, thanks to my grandad’s old war movies, so that wasn’t as shocking to me as it was to others. It was Starscream’s death. You know the comedy bad guy whose job it is to stab his

I wanna see the DoD’s plan for what happens if alien’s land on Earth, or contact to say they are gonna. The DoD has a zombie invasion plan, they’ve gotta have an alien contact plan; and NASA’s plan for that too, come to that. 

Same way all those bullets were found. Carelessness. 

We all really took our eyes off the ball, as far as China is concerned, from the late nineties. While we were all up in Afghanistan, Iraq, and intimidating Iran, China was beefing up and digging in. The time to return China back to peasants, paddies, and factories has slipped past us and now we’re in deep trouble.

It means changing your behavior to no longer being disrespectful or an asshole. If you want to call that a demand, then that is up to you.