
Never mind the Flash, when is Stargirl getting its Legends of Tomorrow crossover? 

What does this mean, if anything, for the stress on the Cascadia Subduction Zone? Should West Coasters be worried?

Must be angling for a crosspost to The Root or Jez.

Would make me feel better. I’m sorry if their feelings get hurt, but we can no longer afford to either coddle them or let them quietly decide they were wrong as long as nobody points it out to them. They have to feel the force of anger, and their change has to be accompanied by their groveling and accepting that

Your editor sucks then. You should tell them I said so, and then make pew-pew-pew laser gun noises at them with finger-guns. 

When you say the size of New York, do you mean real New York or are you including the other boroughs in addition to Manhattan? Even Staten?

See, you are still trying to make it all about an arc. The characters all went out and had an adventure. In the case of the Hera, they had an episode of set up and an episode of resolve, expanded the world building and brought back a fan favorite from the franchise’s past/future. But above all, characters went out and

Synchronized swimming. Not only does it need coordination, strength, and stamina, but the swimmers also have to put up with endless reams of jokes about synchronized swimming as a sport. 

It ain’t filler. That is where you have the problem, you’ve got into the mindset that the only thing that matters is “the arc” and nothing else matters or can exist. Yes, they are the A-Team of Star Wars, with a new adventure every week. Get into the mindset of tuning in for an adventure, a mini movie each week, and

We’re in the endgame for humanity now. Years we’ve warned of something like this, but too little was done and now it is too late. Enjoy the last couple of generations of human civilization, because our time is almost up.

It is a breather episode, and there is nothing wrong with that. Not everything has to be all about “the arc”. One of the things that made all these old properties that are being revived now so popular in the first place was that they all had standalone episodes to develop characters rather than mere plot. This is a

Good. Now can we get a right to modify too. 

This is how we get to Planet of the Apes, people. 

They are our closest relatives, I suppose. 

Between this and the Florida red tide story, we’re seeing in real time how mass fossilization could have occurred during the Great Dying. Which is probably information we didn’t need to gather first hand. 

I feel that anyone who tries to use Google Maps to climb a mountain deserves all that is coming to them. Although sympathies to the Mountain Rescue teams who have to recover their corpses though. 

I’ll never forgive the current showrunners for breaking the whole All Bonds Are the Same Bond conceit. Fuck them all for that. As far as giving into vocal fangroups, this is worse than the Snyder Cut mob. The conceit that all Bonds were the same Bond was the thing that kept the franchise alive. It is a dead franchise

A mordern airliner, sure. How does it stack up against 1920s airtravel though?

But that was back when they had a service truck to take a repairman out to it. Now they have to hail a ride in someone else’s Uber, and they don’t drive that route. NASA needs its own truck. 

‘Cause everyone is too worried about sneery nerds mocking their program as being “Captain Planet”. Captain Planet was, if anything, understating the evilness of CEOs and Industry, underselling the threat, and underestimating how badly kids are prepared to fight for a liveable planet. Lets have more Captain Planet tv,