Publicity stunt
Publicity stunt
Man, my 2003 Nissan Frontier 4x4 is looking B-E-A-UUUUUUUUUtiful right now.
*effect....just sayin'
Why when I hear that zipper, do I imagine multiple huge E-peens being ripped out?
I understand that... Even MORE reason to get out. All cities are experiencing urban sprawl..for a reason. Let the suburbanites come into to town for a night or two, beat up our cars and then leave. But there's a darker, nay, more sinister reason. They want our chic pizza and sushi joints without having to pay the…
33 seconds? That's a calling card.
This, among other reasons, are why you should move out of any inner city. They will shortly become FEMA camps.
If the food is bad, it's not the waitstaff's fault.
Got crushed by one of these at a stoplight in my EVO VIII in 2003... Kid was cool tho...I was 23 and he was 19. He had me beat in speed and chicks. *tips hat* to pimp jag teenager.
If the moon was out I'd have great bandwidth.
Well, that's just like, your opinion, man.
Remember this classic?
DE JA VUUUU!!!!! member since 2001!
Having such (the history's largest repository of information at your fingertips) you'd think [it] would transform you into some enlightened, ideal human.
From the first page, it's not what you know, but who you know.
And he admitted it doesn't work! I FEEL LIKE IM TAKING CRAZY PILLS!!