
With Snoke constantly whispering in his ear for a while before that. And trust issues with his momma finding out that Vader was his Gramps.

I wouldn’t call it manipulating. There’s a sinister undertone to that word. Snoke manipulated the two of them, and brags about it.

I agree that he’s angry and petulant but doesn’t he believe Luke was going to kill him in his sleep? That’s kind of a serious betrayal, even if it’s only in his own mind. Luke was his uncle and mentor, that would mess anyone up.

He never tries to really manipulate her. In her he sees someone like him.

Agreed, but I don’t think it’s entirely cynical on his part. I’d have to go back and watch, but I read his reaction to her rejection as legitimate, honest surprise—so to the extent he was manipulating her, I think he was doing it unintentionally. I interpreted that scene as him believing that they could have a future

Honestly I really want Ben Solo to get redeemed and end up with Rey, they have such great chemistry - unashamed Reylo fan

I’m not sure thats a fair assessment. Kylo felt a connection with Rey since TFA. One that grew stronger with Snoke’s manipulation. Watch his interactions with her. He never tries to really manipulate her. In her he sees someone like him.

I really hope Rey kills the shit out of Kylo Ren.

The opening animation is incredibly important, because it’s him and his father (not T’Challa and T’Chaka, as I thought at first). We don’t see his mother at all, and it’s very clear that his father raised him to think of Wakanda as Home.

Tragic villain is absolutely right, and I think the writers know it.

Hearing them instantly made me think of every history lesson (from my admittedly great history teachers) and how much it hurt hearing what my ancestors went through and even though he lost his way, the fact that Killmonger remained steadfast was actually touching to me. I love that T’Challa actually grows because of

This is the first superhero movie that made me want to watch it again because I couldn’t stop thinking about it. So many layers. DAMN I wish Hollywood would prioritize good writing as much as they do the other pieces of the machine.

It’s like he came up with this plan when he was ten and then hasn’t revised it since (which was admittedly, maybe the point).

Killmonger’s plan:

So Killmonger was a fantastic character, but his ultimate plan just didn’t make sense at all. He’s going to give black people around the world advanced weapons and then they’re going to what? Go to war against the governments that many of them are loyal to because they have fancy guns now? It’s like he came up with

Killmonger’s visit to his ancestral plane is a genius way of making manifest the damage done to him.

He was simply superb in the role. The whole different vibe between T’Challa and Erik going to Spirit realm was so emotionally well done.

Sterling K. Brown only really had those 2 scenes, but he absolutely killed it. He managed to have character development even after he died.

Killmonger, along with M’Baku, just stole movie for me. And I loved that, for really the first time, he was a villain that actually represented something. He was rage born out of Wakanda’s inaction and even with limited screen time sold the hell out of it. Especially his trip to dreamland where the spirit of his