
spotted in the trailer: Arachnotrons, Pain Elemental, Arch Vile, and Earth skyscrapers. Yep, this is Nu-DOOM2 and I am officially hyped.

“I’m only afraid of heights when I don’t feel like I have a secure footing. Skyscrapers don’t bother me, and flying is totally cool”

to my knowledge, none of the (several) exploits switch hackers are currently working on involve docks, and only one involves hardware at all (a modchip) so that seems like a bit of a stretch.

i own two Hatsune Miku pop figures (one was a gift from a bud who didn’t know i already had one). Despite having huge twintails that ought to anchor the things pretty well, after owning them for a while they seem to have deformed or warped and just fall forward on their own. I was gonna buy the Rin/Len ones for

The thought occurred to me that perhaps one reason we don’t think it’s as ‘mainstream’ as it is, is because over the years we’ve gotten accustomed to it being something that ‘normal people’ ridicule and look down on. This has only been further reinforced by all the ‘anime is shit’ edgelords on the internet. There are

whoa, calm down a bit, goddamn.

85-90 is pretty typical on an average day on I-75 north of where I live. Likewise, whenever I’m going through the NJ Turnpike on my trips to NY, there’s always a ton of people blowing down the road at 90+. Traffic on big highways can get moving pretty fast.

I cancelled my subscription to PS+ a long-ass time ago, because I could not afford to deal with their insane storage markup.

the sheer variety of responses and interpretations is perhaps the most interesting part! I’d like to say I learned something, but if anything it’s only made it harder to tell what’s actually correct lol

nah I already get how electron orbits (and the change in energy levels when they jump between orbitals) work; The question was mainly pertaining to a particular statement the OP made whose wording was kinda confusing. I believe I’ve got the issue more or less sorted out now though.

yeah I just wasn’t sure which aspect the OP’s statement in question was referring to. it seemed to suggest light was being reflected but not visible. based on replies to my question and his further statements, i’m assuming it was just a minor wording issue.

Best as I can tell, the ‘resolution’ concept seems to be the best candidate for what the OP was getting at. OP seemed to be suggesting that objects smaller than the wavelength couldn’t be seen at all via the light reflected, which is what didn’t make sense to me, but at this point I figure it’s safe to say this is

In this case though, that doesn’t really seem all that relevant. I get that one can’t use the wavelength of light to precisely measure the size of an object smaller than that wavelength, but if you’re not taking the visible spectrum into account, you could always just capture the shorter-wavelength photons reflecting

rrrrright, I know all that already. I’m just trying to make heads or tails of one specific statement (“you cannot see things whose size is smaller than the wavelength of light reflected at you”). The statement in question implies that light within the spectrum visible to humans reflected off of an atom of strontium

No, I totally get that part; that’s not what I’m asking about. I’m asking specifically about his statement regarding “light reflected”. It made it sound like photons *are* reflected by the atom, but don’t render the atom visible, due to the wavelength of the light being larger than the atom, which sounds...odd. I was

Bear with me; I’m a little confused. You say “smaller than the wavelength of light reflected at you”; Are they reflected yet invisible, or do they just pass straight through, similar to the effect where sound/pressure waves can pass through any objects thinner than their wavelength, but are reflected by larger/thicker

Dark energy doesn’t involve stuff being pushed or pulled at all. Dark energy causes space to expand out from under that stuff. Within the local frame of reference, that stuff isn’t even really moving — the space it exists within is what’s changing. Moreover, that expansion is accelerating. Eventually, if the

I started playing Kantai Collection maybe two weeks before the Fall 2017 event. There were only two shipgirls that I wanted from the whole event; Akizuki and the brand new Suzutsuki. I didn’t get either one of them in the end, simply because I hadn’t had time to build my fleet to an appropriate level yet. Akizuki was

these satellites move pretty fast, so i doubt that will be an issue.

EVE is kinda paradoxical like that. To look at the stuff happening on-screen seems like the most boring thing in the world, but when you’re actually playing it and understanding what all that crap is, under the right circumstances it can be some of the most intense gaming ever.