
No mention of Onward? =/

as someone who normally is with the anti-censorship campaign, i’m not sure how it makes sense to bring that into the discussion here. This is bad localization and a case where it really would make sense to alter the content in order to present the same level of challenge to players as the original would have for

mine’s working fine so far pre/post-update on my two pcs.

They are; it’s just got a new name. I hear they’re calling it HoloLens now.

I don’t think the Rift uses the HDMI connection for audio. I’m thinking it goes over the USB connection, along with the microphone.

FASA did buy licenses to use the designs; the problem was that it turned out the company that provided those licenses, TCI, might not have actually have the rights to do so. It was never fully cleared up, since they settled out of court. Part of the terms of the settlement was that FASA would forfeit their rights to

Wait, what’s this about having to deal with the horse trying to buck you off in Zelda? I mean, I’ve only got one horse right now, which I tamed before I knew you could tame wild horses, or even reached the first stable, and as far as I recall, I didn’t have to do any of that.

it’s way better when they make us think it’ll never happen and then it actually does! see: Far Cry: Blood Dragon

I don’t know that’d really recommend it myself, as it’s kind of a mess of a language. Granted, not as big a mess as, say, php...


ah yeah, didn’t think about that. It isn’t so weird though; through my cert issuer at least, changing the primary subject name on a certificate is actually kind of a pain in the ass compared to updating the list of subject alternate names (to the point where I briefly considered just saying ‘fuck it!’ and buying a new

It’s fine that it uses * as the subject name; if you go to the details you’ll see that it has all the gawker sites in the Subject Alternate Name field as wildcard URLs. This is fine. The lack of HTTPS enforcement/redirect is the only real problem.

I am holding a copy of the game in my hand from when it went on sale on amazon. But I am also downloading a torrent of the game right now, because hell yes I will play the shit out of it on PC when the new CEMU version is released. Just like I did for Metroid Prime when they got that working (it’s actually pretty darn

“keyboard that feels like your typing on canvas”

It’s easy to make that judgement without actually playing them though. The first koihime musou game was actually pretty great, telling a story of an epic war with likeable characters doing battle and living their lives in the meantime. I’m sure this new title has just as much to offer.

Oh man, these replies. This is internet-comment gold.

That’s because, if you’re correct, being an asshole doesn’t make you any less correct. It just makes you a correct asshole.

actually this looks really good. it seems like the joy-cons are actually acting as a protection mechanism of sorts for the body. they seem to absorb a lot of the initial impacts, and the triggers/sticks jutting out from the surface act as additional separation from the ground. ought to mean that under most

“you can see Zelda is still running around”

I always advise people never to spend less than $750 on a laptop anyway. It’s an entire PC, with screen, peripherals, sound, etc.... plus, portability aint cheap. the smaller electronics get, the pricier they get.