
It’s easy to make that judgement without actually playing them though. The first koihime musou game was actually pretty great, telling a story of an epic war with likeable characters doing battle and living their lives in the meantime. I’m sure this new title has just as much to offer.

That’s because, if you’re correct, being an asshole doesn’t make you any less correct. It just makes you a correct asshole.

actually this looks really good. it seems like the joy-cons are actually acting as a protection mechanism of sorts for the body. they seem to absorb a lot of the initial impacts, and the triggers/sticks jutting out from the surface act as additional separation from the ground. ought to mean that under most

“you can see Zelda is still running around”

I always advise people never to spend less than $750 on a laptop anyway. It’s an entire PC, with screen, peripherals, sound, etc.... plus, portability aint cheap. the smaller electronics get, the pricier they get.

I’m curious as to why you find Fakku’s tagging/favoriting system superior to the others, when they’re all basically the same — if anything, I found Fakku’s kinda weak since only the ‘tags’ field could hold multiple items, but I suppose for non-doujins it isn’t all that necessary.

such a test would be pointless, as you’d get similar results by comparing two other random sites. each site has only a subset of the content of other sites, along with a selection of unique material that nobody has posted to other sites yet. I already verified that content from within the last month has been uploaded

Now, that said, one could see it as an advantage that FAKKU may get some material before other sites do. Though the same thing could be said about any of those other sites as well.

You may underestimate the tenacity of ero-pirates. just sayin’. lol

I know that, but this is a little different than Netflix. To pirate movies and TV shows, you have to go through tricky processes like torrenting, finding stuff that actually has seeds, etc...

there’s new FAKKU stuff being added to these sites pretty much constantly, and it doesn’t seem to be getting removed, so I have a hard time buying that. =/

definitely coulda fooled me; a quick search of the 3-4 most well-known sites shows plenty of FAKKU material. I don’t even really like their stuff that much; it’s all kinda samey and just clutters the browse view =x

I’m actually surprised FAKKU is still around, what with all the free, constantly-updated doujin reader sites out there which have FAKKU’s stuff as well as metric fucktons of translated material that hasn’t been officially licensed/published.

Hot damn, that’s tempting. I use one of those 200GB cards in my phone and it’s worked fine so far. could always use another.

Hot damn, that’s tempting. I use one of those 200GB cards in my phone and it’s worked fine so far. could always use

uh... welcome to the internet? I guess?

It is a little silly that the Switch only has 32GB internal when we know the games are going to be massive. That said, let us all take a moment to appreciate that you can get a 200GB MicroSDXC for $70, while a 32GB Vita Memory Card will still run you $90 even today, and have zero usefulness outside of the Vita to boot.

damnit, Nintendo Account is one of those stupid services that limits usernames to 10 characters, so I can’t use this one. Went with my alternative ‘piro’ instead.

Hell yes. I clicked on this article specifically to see if MWC was included. I don’t know who Gergo is, but he has failed us.

apparently the ‘hitler did nothing wrong’ meme just flew over WSJ’s head, or they’re so thin-skinned that even after everything he’s said, and everything that’s apparent from being around the internet for longer than a few months, they’re still offended by it.

I used it on my 3DS to initiate custom firmware mode. Since they broke the whole system open, though, it’s not necessary anymore. =x