
uh... No? I guess? I mean, it’s not like I have beef with smartwatches or watches in general; I just can’t get used to wearing one.

I’m a lame-ass indoorsy type. I rarely ever (like maybe once every so many *years*) go swimming, and when i’m outdoors for airsoft or camping or whatever, I bring backup batteries and a solar charger. =x

I can’t even be arsed to wear a ‘dumb’ watch. They’re not comfortable or useful enough to bother with, when I can spend just a second more to pull my phone out of my pocket.

The electoral college system isn’t a bad idea in principle, because that ‘tyranny of the majority’ thing is kind of a real issue that would put the entire election in the hands of major population centers, the rest of the US be damned. The ‘Winner Takes All’ rule, however, is what hurts it in practice. Being an

I’m generally fine with it. I don’t go seeking it out, and I generally don’t bother with shows where fanservice is the only driving element of the show, but if the show has other qualities that make it worth watching, I’m fine with it.

Vita had PS+ going for it though, so there’s that whole ‘monthly free game’ thing which I had tried taking advantage of, only to get screwed over by the memory card prices. Not that it mattered in the end, since PS+ ended up being a complete and total joke with hardly any games worth bothering with.

it’s worth mentioning that, technically, the 3DS has been ‘blown open’ for the most part for several years — Gateway3DS and other flash carts, as well as CFWs, have been available for it for ages now, so piracy and homebrew were already a thing. This year they just managed to break out of the sandbox such that you

Pretty much this. People seem to confuse “2d” and “3d” and think that because you’re receptive of something in the 2D world that you’re equally receptive to it in reality. No, putting 300 hours on Modern Warfare 2 did not make me a murderer. Likewise, enjoying fanservice that feminists would find tasteless does not

One of the things I loved about X/Y was how it shook up the ‘rival’ concept by having an actual group of friends that more or less traveled together, and you had your main rival who had the stronger type, but also Shauna, the directionless girl who wasn’t as good at battling and had weak typing but still challenged

WARNING: Re: Samsun 128GB USB flash drive, these things have a tendency to overheat and cause transfers to fail and whatnot. Supposedly not all batches do this, but watch out.

i’m not disagreeing. Point is, this is an article about the time capsule, so it doesn’t make sense to constantly inject that bias. whether they were in the wrong or not is irrelevant when the discussion is about artifacts they left behind that might be interesting to check out. I’m interested in the time capsule and

Won’t matter. Literally all three states would have to be won by Hillary in order to give her the election, and with a ~1% margin in two of the three states, I don’t really see that happening.

half a mile? lucky! The nearest one to me is about 5 miles away.

“ it’d be like moving a van by bouncing basketballs off the dashboard from the inside. It just doesn’t jive with physics as we understand it.”

I don’t side with the pro-confederates by any means, but you’re letting your bias show pretty hardcore in this article and it made me cringe just reading it.

This bickering between rural and urban America is goddamned embarrassing, and I live in a flyover state.

never gave a shit about shipping. these, on the other hand, are gold.

just one small addition for informational purposes: both the Rift and the Vive use OLED displays, not LCDs — in OLEDs, every pixel is its own light source, rather than using one big backlight — so dark pixels/images are actually legitimately dark, with theoretically about as much actual light reaching your eyes from

accurate :D

As someone who’s been around the 3DS hacking community before, I wonder if this is a tempban like they always do when they detect duplicate or missing cartridge headers.