
honestly the 12 of the Naga is kinda too much for me, for anything that isn’t an MMO at least. I’m having to use them as part of my Metroid Prime control scheme and I still end up mixing up the functions. I actually kinda want a mouse with a thumbstick on the side, that would be pretty cool.

welp, I know what peripheral i’m buying next!

What’s really awesome is when games let you use both at once. Gamepad in the left hand, mouse in the right — for FPS, it doesn’t get better than that IMHO =)

Pretty much spot-on. It’s all about using the right tool for the job.

this is amazing.

In general, keyb+mouse is simply more optimal for FPS games because of its naturally-high precision and speed, to a degree which gamepads simply can’t approach. That said, the opposite is true for some other types of games, like platformers, which work better using a gamepad with its analog movement and right-hand

Honestly keyboard+mouse just isn’t optimal for steering controls. I find mouse steering to be incredibly awkward, personally, and I’ve never been able to get used to it. It’s one area where gamepads are just better.

I love this configuration! I discovered it a couple years ago when playing something random like Valkyria Chronicles or something, and I try putting it to use any chance I get now.

When I shower, I crank the speakers in the living room loud enough that I can hear my music from the shower. I also have music playing at low volumes while I sleep. I must have my music.

What’s real fun is scaling stuff up to ridiculous levels in waifu2x.

Finally, I should note that, after a bit more testing, I’ve decided that the article title isn’t quite correct — Photoshop is actually marginally better than A Sharper Scaling, when using the ‘Preserve Detail’ setting, at least specifically for illustrations.

For enlargement, PS really only gives you two options worth using — Bicubic Smoother and Preserve Details.
ASS is largely comparable to the ‘Preserve Details’ setting, though at least for the purpose of scaling illustrations, overall I think ‘Preserve Details’ in PS is slightly better than ASS.

Here’s another sample. This time, of an illustration. (check the link for a close look; the resized image below doesn’t really show the proper image detail)

one word: waifu2x.

I actually find waifu2x to be better for either type of media. obviously it’s meant for illustrations, but for the photos I’ve tried so far, it’s hard to tell any difference between an original photo and that same photo scaled down, then back up with waifu2x. Obviously you can tell where details have been lost within

fair enough! also that’s awesome :D

Right, that’s what I was getting at — At least from the perspective of astrophysics, it’s basically just the name of the unknown ‘x’ variable that’s throwing off the expected results, and it can be described *hypothetically* as a form of matter with certain properties that would have certain effects. But just like

I always thought that, in astrophysics, it was pretty generally acknowledged that ‘dark matter’ was just another name for the observed discrepancy, and was not widely believed to be actual matter of some kind. Are there really those who think it is what it says on the tin?
I mean, astrophysicists are kinda known for

This effectively creates an entirely new class of cosplay that nobody had really thought about before, one which I seriously want to explore. Entire cosplays that are merely awesome accessories to other peoples’ cosplays...

Yeah, I’m inclined to just call it a bug at this point. lol