
We’ve seen some funny shit on the cameras. like one time when someone looked around to make sure nobody was watching, then squatted down and reached their entire arm up into an equipment vending machine to grab some of the more expensive items to steal. despite there being two cameras hovering over the aisle on either

We usually shut ours down before checking. Skews the figures a bit. =x

Oh, I’m sure. We’re in manufacturing, and here at least, whether you’re getting your work done (and on time) is considered much more important than the little details of how you actually spend your time.

As an IT guy, I agree with this assessment. We have more important things to be spending our time on, and using server storage for.

...Now if you’ll excuse me, my coworkers and I are going to go play some minecraft on the server my company isn’t aware it’s hosting...

Another IT guy here. Same. We have monitoring tools in place, but not once have we ever actually needed or wanted to bother using them. If people think you’re not being productive, you should be more worried about management and HR, not IT. We couldn’t give a shit less what sites you’re browsing as long as your shitty

I kinda figured it was something like that. Bare breasts and softcore have been in games with no problem for a while now, so this isn’t exactly groundbreaking, and shows no real hint of Steam loosening their content restrictions. At the very least, it might do a faint sliver of good in that it might convince

The character model in its entirety was ripped straight from TERA. I have a character with that exact hairstyle, just a different color.

she has her heel lifted several inches, so she does appear a bit taller than she should. it looks as though the lady standing next to her would be a tad taller if she was standing flat-footed.

Yeah but... dude. Vertical Enter key. =/

See: Fate/Zero. kiritsugu emiya was a mage but used guns and explosives, as they were an effective means of combatting other mages who were expecting an opponent who only used magic.

Ultimately this is because these major updates are delivered like OS upgrades, rather than just patches.

Worth noting: If you’re on the Windows 10 Anniversary Update and use Edge, it now has extensions support, including LastPass.

I will not. If my phone vendor stopped putting 3.5mm jacks on their phones, I would stop buying that vendor’s phones. No exceptions. I don’t care how good the rest of the phone is. 3.5mm is ubiquitous, it’s the standard, it’s simple and it works.

the problem is that there seems to be a frame limit in place (vsync or otherwise), so you can’t see what they’d ACTUALLY be scoring if they weren’t limited to 60fps — it does seem like the desktop GPUs still have a significant (~25%) advantage in terms of raw framerate score, and I still call that a pretty big gap.

seems hard to really judge the benchmark results when they seem to have a 60fps cap going on...

been hearing about his condition for a while now, really hoping he finds a donor and recovers. Such a wonderful writer and composer, and all-around cool guy. Would suck to see him go.

Well yes, of course I am. Obviously the big about 128kbps MP3s is an exaggeration, since the artifacts in that case are pretty obvious through a good portion of the spectrum. That said, there’s still some degree of truth to the general statement. High frequency content is the biggest thing affected by lowering audio

Not really; I don’t think there’s really any precedent for that. Plus, there’s less incentive for Nintendo to do that, since updates only really affect people who have already obtained the work, and Nintendo’s main concern will always be preventing the work from being obtainable in the first place. Plus, I mean, a C&D

less “suspiciously close to fraud”, more “devs were already prepared for C&D before they began”. They knew they’d get takedown notices, as any well-known Nintendo fangame does, so they operated under that assumption, building in an update mechanism and whatnot. If you operate under the assumption that your resulting

How is this one of the top speaker sets? We bought two sets of these a few years back. They sound like garbage compared to the Z-2300 they were designed to replace, distorting at a much lower volume and having ridiculously uneven frequency response and less clarity. The DE-15 connector on one set was also faulty,

How is this one of the top speaker sets? We bought two sets of these a few years back. They sound like garbage