
I wasn’t talking about that article, I was talking about the one in which we are commenting and the opinions and quotes contained therein.

While I agree, I must say, it seems you feel just a tad bit more passionate about this issue than I. =x

The point is, games generally intend for you to earn your progression. There’s a reason why level select in the past was generally only made available post-completion and via cheat codes.

Nowhere in the entire article was anything said about co-op; and even the quote from the campaign director was worded in a way that heavily implies single-player experience.

We have had this since a long time ago. then it was called “Level Select”. You typically unlock it by beating the game (or appropriate section[s]) at least once, or emulate it by saving to new slots periodically (When I played e.g. DOOM I would use a new save for each level, so I could later jump back to any level I

Aaaaand you have absolutely nobody’s sympathy.

that wasn’t the part that made it scammish. It’s the bit after that, where buying it when it’s on ‘sale’ and launching the game with the card on your account makes the game unrefundable.


yeah the keyboard is just a fancy dock on the 12.

But it actually won’t. I mean, existing sites I’ve seen that use similar systems have no issues with it, and I’ve certainly never had a hard time grokking it. It’s pretty easy to see what the general reaction to something is from the icons/numbers. Plus it seems that FB is still only showing the total Like count by

Oh goodie, another standard to have to deal with, all for the sake of ad-based sites.

no harm in that. In the majority of cases people will use them honestly, and in the minority of cases when someone decides to be goofy, it’s generally amusing.

backwards actually.

Nothing’s actually changed. Emoji are not the same thing as emoticons.

Damnit. they JUST ANNOUNCED the Surface Book and now this?

I’m going to assume not. I doubt that’s really a usage scenario they’d expect anyone to actually try.

Possibly related to it having to pass a lot of wiring through there since the discreet GPU, input devices, and ports are all in the base.

Rumor has it that Google is starting to warm up to the idea of having their stuff on MS’ platform. We’ll have to see if there’s any substance to that.

Just imagining all the cardboard-cuts you’d get from this.... *shudder*

Just a slight exaggeration. The actual device is the same size as the SP3, but with a thinner bezel — they fit a slightly larger screen into that same space.