
That headline on this article is clickbait, nothing more. The tactic is, you fool the user into expecting a certain type of content, in this case a devil’s-advocate sort of counterpoint piece, then pull a 180 on them and use it to simply provide more information in favor of the viewpoint everyone already agrees with

I commend your defense of your position, but really now, the headline is somewhat dishonest at best and clickbaity at worst. The article was decent enough, but it definitely had a poorly-chosen headline. Based on the headline, I expected an interesting and potentially thought-provoking sort of devil’s-advocate take on

No flag, no planet, you can’t have one.

Can’t say I’ve had any issues with systray icons on my tablet (Samsung series 7). I can hit even small objects pretty darn precisely with no difficulty, but I don’t even consider systray icons to be particularly small. Their hit target extends the entire height of the taskbar, and there’s no neutral space between icon

Just to expand on the ‘can make your machine slightly less secure’ bit:

I’ll take the ‘better security with the only tradeoff being the minor annoyance of one extra click every now and then’, kthx.

No thanks to removing or moving the system tray. Applications in the system tray act as status indicators, and I prefer to have important icons visible at all times. If you don’t like it, just hide all your icons.

It may still be a 2.0 device, banking on future ubiquity. the idea being that it would be annoying having to carry around an ‘old’ microUSB cable for one of your devices in the future when everything else is USB-C.

And that’s fine. It’s still only proper, however, to keep feedback professional and constructive.

it’s comiket, people walking in with weird shit is pretty typical.

Okay, hold on a second; it seems like you may have read waaay too much into my comment and are arguing against a point I wasn’t making.

Basically any small-time developer. It’s kinda hard to be super thorough and perfect when you don’t have any real backing behind your efforts.

until they ditch the “diamond pixel” RGBG PenTile bullshit I’m not using them, end of story. Go RGB or go home.

PC displays and HT projectors all have HDMI nowadays. I don’t own a TV, but I have no problem using both my PC and game consoles on the same displays.

Telescope is mostly useless for this. Where I live (rural Kentucky) you can catch one about every ten seconds with your bare eyes. I happen to have a set of military nightvision goggles, and with those my field of view is a bit more limited but I’m able to make out one every 2-3 seconds. they happen all over the sky,

One issue with the “privacy by default” stance is that not all information collected by a given application or operating system is collected for the purpose of marketing. In many cases, data collection is desired for software analytics, which helps software developers *greatly* in discovering bugs and generally

yeah, they both have their uses. I’m mainly digging the xbox tool purely for its ability to record regular apps, but I still keep the NVidia tool around for its streaming mechanism for my Shield.

Game DVR actually seems to utilize the same hardware encoding features as GameStream, evidenced by the fact that it also states 600-series as minimum requirement for NVidia cards, and that’s when they first got their onboard encoding functionality.

Reversibility is super great. Ubiquity is still better.

honestly, given who we’re talking about, I figure she collects them herself.