
ah, shoko-tan. never change.

Yes, but that’s all assuming that it is in fact an actual ‘thing’ and not just a miscalculation or flaw in our physics model.

I’d be incredibly surprised, given how poorly Kinja has “worked” in IE11 since win8’s release. Kinja team gives zero fucks about Microsoft browsers.

This is one theory I’ve been quite fond of myself. Potential evidence for a proper multiverse? Hell yes, that would be amazing.

The term ‘dark matter’ is somewhat disingenuous. Really ‘dark matter’ is just the name we gave to the observed discrepancy between how much gravity we expected there to be in the universe based on the matter within it, and how much we actually measured. It could be as simple as a miscalculation somewhere (though

Basically if you had DVD capabilities *before* your upgrade (i.e. you had the media center package, i.e. you had windows 7) then you’ll have it after.

Upon disabling all of Cortana’s features, including bing integration... file searching still works fine here. Not sure what you’re on about.

I would star this comment so hard if the star icon was clickable in Edge. Thanks Kinja.

There’s really nothing new here. If you’re concerned about wifi access, you really should be the one inputting the wifi password into your guests’ devices (and unchecking the share option) yourself. Never actually tell anyone your wifi password at all. Tell them the password, and they could just as easily post that

I’m fairly certain they are. I’ve only done one install so far where I added another user after the fact, and it’s been a couple weeks since then, but I do seem to recall it gave the standard two-page privacy toggle options during first login (of the added user).

I have (mostly) zero issue with stuff wanting Microsoft Accounts. Most of the stuff still works without an account (with some annoying exceptions, like Cortana and OneNote), and by signing in, I’m getting a personalized experience with automatic benefits like OneDrive access and synchronized settings across all of my

Pretty much exactly this. This is why I’m totally okay with most of these settings remaining enabled, and my apps using my Microsoft Account to personalize my experience.

Most of the relevant settings are presented automatically during the install process. To be fair, if MS made them all opt-in, they would get zero data (because nobody would bother opting in) and that would not help them advance their OS at all.

I miss the tail. Would’ve made for an excellent addition to our arsenal of expressiveness.

45mins east of Bowling Green, KY. Cell service has been busted here for a few hours.

So, no different than any other place or object of worship. Except in this case they’re doing it entirely tongue-in-cheek =x

Would be somewhat less of a biggish deal if they didn’t have an entire other article complaining about it, seemingly still with that same level of flawed understanding.

Even with that, it begs the question...why? Why are they even trying to make it an issue? It’s a simple choice. Either you leave it at 100% and get tiny text but lots of screen space, or you increase the size of everything and decrease screen space relative to content. What is their problem with that choice? Windows

e-ink by definition physically can’t be overlayed over anything without obscuring it. It’s not like an LCD screen, which defaults to translucent and darkens subpixels to create different colors and brightnesses. e-ink basically uses two-sided ‘capsules’ that flip between white and black when a charge is applied. The

I don’t know. I just don’t know, man. You seem to expend an awful lot more energy saying absolutely nothing. What *exactly* in their terms of use do you not agree with, which doesn’t also apply to basically every single other tech company out there as well? You can’t just link the terms of use page without a specific