
we’re not talking about backgrounds though; win10 already allows separate backgrounds on each desktop (My PCs have a number of them in rotation right now). We’re talking about display-specific virtual desktops/workspaces, such that you can change to another workspace on one display without it also changing on another.

The part where the author seems to ignore a number of facts in his assessment.

Apps developed with WPF (.NET) or Metro (WinRT/.NET Core) are actually vector-based already. It’s the old GDI apps that have the serious scalability issues. Yay for apps being built on a GUI framework dating back to Windows 1.0?

Actually, the fun part is, Metro is effectively identical to .NET+WPF, which is the current state-of-the-art Desktop platform.

Yeah, I never got the disparity of kinja versions across gawker sites. I actually have only ever commented on Kotaku and Gizmodo, so that might explain why I never encountered that particular one on kinja.

It’s not quite that simple. We’re talking about an application and graphics framework that has been around since Windows 1.0, and most definitely wasn’t built with modern standards for rendering process in mind. Likewise, it already had some degree of DPI-awareness built in, even if it sucked pretty badly. I’d almost

sooo googling “windows 10 bugs” on RTM day, and vague statements about “Microsoft policies” is the best you have to offer? It’s suddenly news that Microsoft is a business, and businesses want to make money? And that RTM OSes have bugs? Yawn.

if it’s a regular app that it worked in 7/8, there should be no reason it would break in 10. I haven’t had any of my apps break, at least.

it changes it on all displays at once. I had never thought about it before, but i suppose it would be nice if that were configurable.

As a developer, I find statements like these confusing.

I, too, have had nothing but issues with Kinja in Edge/IE for years now. Heck, I still remember bugging the devs about issues with IE11 back when that first got released, and there was a bug that made it impossible to login/reply/etc....

It took me four attempts to star your comment, because of a Kinja+Edge bug where clicking star/comments/reply often simply jumps to the top of the page instead of doing what you told it to do.

I have not personally experienced any of the actual glitches or performance issues above (with the exception of the ‘start menu doesn’t appear when I press Start’ issue in an earlier build), though I can vouch for a few of the usability concerns.

Most notably, MS chose to make titlebars and window backgrounds white so

To be fair, it *is* still a Metro app. Metro apps just don’t need to be fullscreen anymore.

I’ve had a LAN party in my living room pretty much constantly for the past few weeks, with some friends who recently moved in from up north while they look for a new place, and other friends that come over to play online games and stuff. This past weekend we had six PCs set up playing TERA for hours on end (played two

I love the windows phone OS, so you just sold me on a phone.

Fair enough.

Less anger, more annoyance. Big products adopting a new standard will drive others to do the same. The longer they wait, the longer everyone else waits, the longer we wait.

My old USB stuff will continue working fine with their own microUSB cables, no adapters necessary. We can’t be so afraid of change that we never progress. There’s a better standard in sight; we need only adopt it.

“Best Big Smartphones”