
Don’t know how you got that, but on all my systems file sharing is indeed as easy and painless as in previous versions. I’ve never seen that “Your folder can’t be shared” dialog before.

except it basically IS opt-out. It was never enabled by default on any of my saved networks, and it asks when you connect if you want to share a given network. Likewise, sharing a previously-saved network requires re-entering (and thus knowing) its password.

Except you haven’t actually put any issues forth to discuss. All you’ve done is claim the sky is falling, MS is evil, etc without presenting any actual data or even specific actual issues.

What update are you referring to? Patch Tuesday has already hit, so the first wave of updates is already out. More will come next week. And the week after that. etc.

That is not exactly ‘normal’ windows behavior. I, for one, have had no such problems with photoshop on my win10 systems, so it doesn’t appear to be universal at least. The author also wasn’t exactly clear about *what* was hogging resources, but it seems like the culprit was photoshop itself. Unless your point is that

Yes, office 2k7 is compatible with windows 10. No, you can’t just copy the files. No, nobody’s using 2k7 anymore (Actually I don’t know. Probably. There are still people at the german branch of my company using 2k3 fcol). Yes, you can probably just reinstall it and use the same license. Maybe.

“since Windows 10 helpfully keeps your saved passwords when you upgrade, all the networks you’ve previously connected to are shared by default“

“all the networks you’ve previously connected to are shared by default”

er, you know you can just use PrintSreen on your keyboard to do it, then paste that into paint or whatever, right?

The whole Vista mess was indeed a trainwreck, I have never argued against that. The issues it had at launch were largely the same ones exhibited by every prior version before it, however. The only difference was that Microsoft actively endorsed installing it on hardware that wasn’t powerful enough (Vista “Capable” my

It’s worth noting that the NVidia driver also includes a free tool for doing this as well (ShadowPlay, which also supports live streaming, unlike the Windows10 tool), and both use the same GPU hardware encoding system. However, the Windows10 utility supports Radeon devices as well, lets you record ANY app (not just

Yes, yes, the sky is falling. Carry on. Whether you see recent versions of Windows as steps up or down is really up to you; I for one don’t happen to agree with your assessment.

This shift to Windows As A Service means that it will indeed receive new feature updates over the course of its lifespan. Basically they want Win10 to be an OS that evolves over time.

no, it’s just a side-effect of the nuclear blast. You can have an EMP pulse without an explosion.

Not really. I just think people throw the term around too loosely.

I never said it mattered, that’s why I still included Lili. Eina never seemed to have any romantic inclinations. It’s a bit more obvious in the LN, but generally her thing is that he’s a charming newbie that she’s basically in charge of, and he keeps getting himself overwhelmed and nearly killed, so she’s inclined to

Aiz is even more clueless than Bell as far as romance is concerned, and is only interested in him because of his growth. Lili has a savior crush on him at best. The amazon girl is only interested in him as a novelty, with the whole ‘Argonaut’ thing. Eina is a sister figure who likes to tease and that’s about it.

Three, barely. Hestia, Syr, and Lili (which is not much more than a savior crush). Eina has more of a big-sister role, and Aiz is even more clueless than Bell. Freya’s interest in him is definitely not romantic. Lyu is pushing for Syr. None of the other female characters have displayed any notable interest in him for

A whole what, three individuals obviously romantically interested in him? That only barely meets the definition by technicality. Aiz is completely clueless about love, Eina has more of a big-sister relationship with him. That leaves Hestia, Lili (who has little more than a savior crush), and Syr.

Standard 1-cour cancer, unfortunately. Studios aren’t sure how well it will do, so they adapt the first 2-4 light novels and see how it sells. If it sells, it gets another season. Repeat until it’s not selling anymore or you run out of LNs to adapt.