
It’s not really even a harem show, tbh. If anything, the one with the harem is Aiz, not Bell.

FFF has completed it.

I absolutely adore this show. I went into it not knowing what to expect, but was instantly hooked. The characters are really likeable and the fight sequences are super good. I would have to agree that Argonaut is a bit cheap though. I am however happy that <spoiler> they at least made it fail against the season final

i’m just surprised there have been no posts bitching about how old this comment is.

there are a shitton of more serious, better-drawn BL titles on the market already. This one is unique largely because of its tongue-in-cheek approach, with its terribad artwork and what I’m guessing is a focus on odd humor.

oh goddess wat

They’re charging more than triple because carriers are more than willing to pay to subsidize it.

worth noting that, while it looks nice, unfortunately Hype is OSX-only. =/

For what it’s worth, this is technically “the road noise of mars”, not the environmental noise. It’s the vibrations recorded by the hazard avoidance system, converted to audio. What you’re hearing is all the bumps and texture of the ground the rover is driving on, just like the noises you hear from the tires of your

If we’re at the point of talking about outsourcing anything, we’ve already gone beyond the scope of the majority of amateur flash game devs =x

Um. Generally my rule is “Don’t masturbate in the bath” >_>;;

Is there a visual authoring environment for HTML5 that’s as full-featured and easy-to-use as Flash? If you’re already a skilled programmer, sure, it’s probably pretty easy for you to port game logic from one platform to another. A lot of people who make flash games, however, would not see themselves as skilled

You have it backwards, shower *then* bath. That way you’re already clean before you soak.

Custom in japan is, shower first to clean yourself, then bath to soak and relax. People in a family may reuse the same bathwater, which isn’t a big deal because by the time you enter it, you’re already clean from the shower.

When I was a kid in my early early teens, we adopted a retired police dog, a beautiful german shepherd named Baron. At some point my mom was sick, and was laying on the couch getting some rest. Baron was napping on the floor next to her. I made something cool out of legos or something, and wanted to show her, and

Vista actually supported animated desktops, as I recall, but iirc they were such a resource hog that MS got rid of the feature altogether.

It’s important to understand just how bright celestial bodies bathed in sunlight can be, even at that distance. Stars put out a *lot* of light. Long exposure is almost definitely not necessary at such a (relatively) short range.

Somehow completely legal? Um.... yeah? Why wouldn’t it be? This could just as easily be a mere airsoft gun, do you want to ban those now?

it’s an algorithm that takes other images and tries to find content from them in the image being processed. It isn’t making stuff up out of thin air. The content it generates is limited by the images that were supplied to it during its training process. The problem is that nobody seems to have bothered to re-train it

Eh, that’s largely only because nobody seems to have bothered to re-train it on another set of source images.