
Except for all the editing and bowlderizing that meant you were effectively watching a different show altogether. Robotech was a bastardization of three existing shows, and now Sony wants to take that and just run with it? pass. I mean, it could always be worse — could be Harmony Gold, after all...

Nope, no interest, not a bit, zero. Not macross, not interested. As long as they continue calling it...that...they're clearly going to be showing no respect to the original material.

Hey now, that's not fair. I love VR. It takes everything that's already awesome about gaming and makes it that much more awesome by placing you directly into the eyes of the character. Once the display tech catches up, it will totally be the ideal way to play. That said...

nope. nope. fucking nope. I keep myself Offline on facebook chat for a reason.

In BattleTech lore, the neurohelmet had literally one purpose: to use the pilot's sense of balance to help keep the mech upright. All actual control was otherwise manual. There was an experiment on a 'direct neural interface' mechanism that allowed the pilot to control the mech without any manual mechanisms at all,

Sadly, I think there are more options for wheels than for joysticks, making standardization difficult. I use a Fanatec wheel, for instance. Fanatec alone makes like three or four different wheels with different button layouts. Fanatec wheels are made to be multiplatform, and their buttons don't have platform-specific

ayup. MechWarrior Online supports mouse/keyboard, effectively guaranteeing that nobody will ever use a joystick in it.

doubt it's licensed, but most definitely intentional. E:D has a built-in button profile specifically for the X52 as well. It's just the most common high-end HOTAS model, for good reason. Comes in two versions with different price points (but the same layout), and anything cheaper is junk and anything more expensive is

I always understood this to mean the stomach as well.

What bothers me about this article and articles like it is that the author automatically posits that the multiverse and MWI are equivalent. They are not. MWI is merely one of a number of possible multiverse scenarios.

honestly it looks pretty sweet with that panel missing. I'd probably consider just leaving it as-is, if not for aerodynamic implications...

i don't think tom wheeler has been down under lately...

The MechWarrior Online mech designs are pretty freaking badass, no joke. You should go check out their site, if only to look through the mech art.

Only a small number of the earlier batch[es]. Also, to be fair, they weren't so much 'copied' as 'directly licensed' only for FASA to later discover that the people they licensed the designs from were not legally allowed to license those designs out in the first place...

Getting that pedantic can be problematic. EVA units are technically sentient, yet they are piloted.

That just depends on who you fall in with and what you decide you want to do. There are industrialists that only do mining and trading, but there are also pirates and nullsec groups and wormhole nomads that get to do lots of combat. Meanwhile, in EVE, you're the commander of a large ship rather than the pilot of a

Anime polls are almost always garbage. Anime fans have an embarrassingly short memory, so polls are almost always dominated by whatever is popular the time, with just a few classics thrown in for good measure. One Piece, SAO, AoT, etc are going to top almost any poll you make right now.

IE user here. IE used to suck, period. We're still dealing with the garbage left behind from the IE6 days. IE has gotten progressively better with each new version, though, and I don't believe it really deserved the hate it gets anymore. I used Mozilla/Firefox for a long time and switched back to IE when IE9 was

'qualified user' wasn't mentioned anywhere. 'qualified devices' was, which means literally any device that can actually run the OS and has one of the OSes which qualify for the update. Joe Belfiore talked about this as I recall; if you've got a computer running one of those OSes then you qualify.

Chillax, guy. That's why I said the keyboard would have to be connected to that particular controller for it to be logged. Nobody has said the controller is going to be receiving things not explicitly sent to it. IF your keyboard is connected to a different controller than the one you infected, it's not going to be