
pretty much all PC controllers have used that layout, the only difference being that typically they use numbers instead of letters and don't generally color-code them. but it's always been 1,2,3,4 -> A,B,X,Y

I'll be somewhat surprised if that ends up being a real issue; theoretically the time required to crack a given key length should rise exponentially rather than linearly, but I'm not an expert in cryptography so I could be wrong.

Title II doesn't give FCC any more jurisdiction over The Internet than they already had. It gives them jurisdiction over *access providers*. Big difference.

slightly backwards; uTorrent is owned by BitTorrent. The app kind of went to shit after they bought it.

Mr. Sparkle? lol

This is why hybrid coolers exist — they're a perfect compromise between huge-ass noisy heatsink/fan units that block access to the entire upper half of your computer, and full-on liquid cooling setups that are far more costly and risky than they're worth. For under $100, you can get a decent hybrid unit and replace

"naturally assigned gender"? being of a given sex does NOT dictate one's behavior. Gender roles are bullshit we invented, full stop.

yeah, upon further consideration, there's really nothing that makes this any better than homophobia. Nonsensical hatred all around.

For some reason, when you said "asexual" it didn't register that you were referring to asexuality in *humans*. I immediately think of the biological term whenever I hear that — that is, species that reproduce asexually, which are more vulnerable to environmental threats due to lack of genetic diversity. My mistake,

I find your disgust for those not adherent to gender roles absolutely mind-boggling. You are actually pro gender roles? The root cause of many of our gender-related issues? Absolutely baffling.

More like, too bad asexuals are at a disadvantage genetically. Sex has more than one purpose — genetic diversification is the biggest one =x

To be fair, there are only so many ways you can really design a VR HMD, though they may all operate slightly differently — the Vive seems to have the highest-resolution display, but I'd wager that Oculus has done the most work with latency-reduction and low-persistence. Each device may have different things going for

I'm speaking mainly in terms of the companies that will back the standard and implement it in their hardware. Oculus' SDK is not open source (as far as I'm aware) nor is it standardized, so other companies can't really implement it without being subject to e.g. breaking changes. Might even be some legal bullshit

Currently, OSVR seems to be the one with the best chance of getting full industry backing. They've got Sixense and Leap Motion (among others) behind them already, and seem to be taking the best approach (open-source, platform-first).

These are just...bad. What's up with putting a cheongsam-looking-thing on Mai? =/

because this is the Shield Portable:

I do have to note that, as far as I've been able to tell, oculus wasn't creating a 'standard' at all. Or at the very least, not one that follows the usual process with industry input/collaboration. They made an SDK for the Rift but it's not built upon an open standard; it simply exists as they develop it.

I think that Kinja itself does a good-enough job there.

I'm getting ahead of myself here.

This was the article author's mistake. NVidia is claiming they're the first Android TV console to market — that's "Android-TV console", not "android TV-console". As in, the first console running the Android TV OS.