
It's probably exactly the same as putting salt on other sweet foods like tomatoes and caramel. I think I've tried salted watermelon before, but I can't really recall. I know enough folks who salt their tomatoes that I might be confusing the two.

It's a very specific sort of experience, among a number of different ways of presenting roughly the same thing.

EVE is a highly streamlined game. There's no lift-off/landing sequence because that would take up too much time when players just want to get in and out to do stuff. We don't care about interacting with other players in person, because what's the point? I can already chat with other players and see their ship

Not once in the entirety of EVE do you pilot an X-Wing-like ship. The smallest combat ships in the game are frigates, larger than the Millenium Falcon, which was already a relatively unwieldy ship. The only things smaller than frigates are shuttles, which are purely transport ships with no combat capabilities. Because

There are a lot of data tables and such because there's simply a lot of data. Likewise, it's not a dogfighting game — you're a commander giving orders to your ship and crew, like "fire X guns on Y target" and "change course to heading xxxxyyyy" and whatnot. The 3D view is used for gaining spatial awareness, like a 3D

My argument is, EVE does deliver. I don't see how it fails to deliver. Things that would be boring in real life are boring in EVE. Things that would be fun or tense or otherwise enjoyable in whatever way are the same way in EVE. Beyond the gameplay, it becomes even more awesome — the player-driven elements make for a

Think of what you're saying here though. I didn't actually say any of the above operations were fun. I said they were engaging and enjoyable, thanks to the elements of coordination and danger. If you're finding mining and other resource-harvesting operations to be fun, either you have a seriously warped sense of fun,

I think most of what you're finding boring is going to really come down to the individual.

Really just depends on what sort of game you're wanting to play. EVE is about commanding big ships and being a part of the whole space opera thing. A lot of people just want a dogfighting game, but that's a separate level from where EVE operates.

...I don't get it. Why is the story associated so heavily with lavender town and its theme? It's barely mentioned in the story at all.

I've seen those flat triggers quite a bit on handguns with fancy designs like this, so I always figured it was just aesthetic.

I use OneDrive, and love it. The only feature I wish it had was version tracking.

Goddamnit. When is the industry going to get their collective heads out of their asses and come together for an open standard solution? This makes for at least three separate proprietary mobile payment systems now. Get major retailers and mobile folks together and actually work something out that everyone can

The police are teaching people to distrust the police. You're right, it's not good for our society.

from the looks of it, it basically just puts shortcuts to most-relevant stuff up-front. Instead of unlocking and then drilling down to wherever you're wanting to go, you're presented with direct entry points to stuff most likely requiring attention right from the get-go, and you only have to unlock if you actually

4:3 just works better for the tablet form factor. 16:9 can be rather awkward for a big slab you have to hold for extended periods.

I have to say... I own an iphone4, and there's no way i'd use it without a case. It's the only way to keep it from slipping around (and possibly falling off of whatever it's on) whenever I set it down on a surface that isn't perfectly level...


Kinja strikes again!(?)

for what it's worth, no amount of storage is too much. I can fill 128GB in no time.