
I think she meant the android there.

Well, to be fair, in the original joke he says "personally jerk off every guy in the audience". He's not saying there are no women there; he just isn't including them in his ...offer? Which may be better, or may be worse, or may be MUCH worse, depending on how you read into it. =x

wait, what?

And why shouldn't folks feel pride? Yes, PC gaming has a lot of benefits, but the act of putting together a computer for the first time feels like running the gauntlet. Of course people are going to boast about it after surviving it. Over the years, I've heard people say over and over that building a computer isn't

it's not so much a lack of awareness of the demographic as it is a lack of awareness of peoples' desire for representation of said demographic, I feel. It seems to me as though Nintendo built their game in basically a traditional fashion, under the simplistic notion that relationships in games are generally between

Actually, free speech does in fact mean he gets to voice his opinion *and* say anyone is wrong for any reason. That's kind of the point. That said, it doesn't automatically mean he's right, either. I don't agree with him but he can say basically whatever he wants.

This isn't bigotry. This is just developers overlooking a demographic. It's not like the Japanese are against gays; it's simply not something they think about.

I'd actually love to see a game where Link and Zelda got to team up and you'd switch between them as the story progressed.

The fact that we still don't actually know for sure what's happening is perhaps the most amazing part of this. The universe is so mysterious.

I wish this were universal. Unfortunately, I've found that Pokemon X/Y (which I kinda consider a Nintendo game) lags pretty badly during battles in some areas when played in 3D mode, and it feels horrid =(

I demand 4-player coop mode and lots and lots of demons.

I'm a little uncomfortable with the notion that a single-pilot fighter would have independent aiming. That seems rather uncharacteristic of what we expect from single-pilot fighters, especially in videogames, where aiming has always been locked to the axis of flight. Independent aiming has always been a feature of

I don't know that I'd enjoy that, given that I didn't enjoy that aspect of the recent portable game.

Successful troll is successful~♪

"passed test the" ._.

I have a pretty big skype contacts list, and they only really use it for text chat. every great once in a while we'll have a group voice chat session but 99% of the time it's all text chat.

I'll go ahead and claim the position as "random Windows Phone guy who wanders into the debate all like 'hay gaiz wuts going on n this room?'"

"What's so special about this controller compared to the 360 gamepad?"


is bolding it really helping the problem? As far as I can tell it merely makes things look worse.