
If you're just styling text, using CSS is more appropriate. I and B are as deprecated as FONT.

I have two sets of that Z623 pictured above and they're fucking garbage. Pardon the language, but I was tremendously let down after owning a set of the absolutely amazing Z-2300, then buying the Z623 and being met with muddier audio, lower max volume, and distortion at high volumes. I've found homes for both sets that

I have two sets and they're fucking garbage. Pardon the language, but I was tremendously let down after owning a set of the absolutely amazing Z-2300, then buying the Z623 and being met with muddier audio, lower max volume, and distortion at high volumes. I've found homes for both sets that don't need high-quality or

Aaaaaaaand you failed. You had one job. Just stop replying. If you had stopped, you would've never heard from me again. It would've been over. Yet here we are again.

I'm only replying to you because you're still replying to me. I'm trying to make a point to you here, but you're simply not getting it:

I came here to join the discussion; *you* perceived ill intent where there was none.

And yet you continue to reply. Continue to be convinced of your own self-righteousness. Trolls trolling trolls, and I shall eagerly take the bait.

Oh man. Persecution complex for sure. Keep putting words in other peoples' mouths. Keep taking things in all the wrong ways and finding meaning where there is none. I wasn't trolling with my original two posts, just adding some commentary to the discussion. Now, though... Now I really do feel like trolling you. I'm

It all just depends on what you want to do with the machine, and how you want to work with it. Of course it's not going to be worth the purchase if all you ever do is play games, and you're not interested in tinkering or using a mouse/keyb or any of the other stuff they offer that isn't part of the core gaming

PCs are what they are. Computers. We don't call them 'gaming consoles' for a good reason — that's not what they are. I spend vastly more time doing non-gaming things on my PC than I do playing games. It just so happens that, in addition to that, it's so good at gaming that I rarely ever feel the desire to touch my

As someone who prefers to stay single, and has been such for a long time, and gets enough flak from people automatically assuming "no girlfriend == gay", I kinda wish I were the type to get easily offended so I could get offended by this and go on some kind of angry tirade. But meh, too lazy.

Gosh, you're really getting up in arms about this. You're continuing to misinterpret and extrapolate things to suit what I can only perceive to be some kind of deep-rooted persecution complex or something. It's not just me you've been doing this to either, so that makes it even more fascinating. You managed to take a

I won't call it definitive proof of plagiarism, but I will call it close enough:

You seem to have a habit of reading too much into peoples' statements, followed by getting overly defensive and taking everything in the worst way possible, then responding with hostility. You're the one making those faulty interpretations, putting words into my mouth. I don't feel there's any more value in continuing

Whoa now, somehow managed to strike a nerve apparently. I meant no derision toward you, nor do I understand how you detected any, so let's take a step back for a moment and try this again. My statement was in regard to your remark about how gamers see visual novels, which was itself rather general.

Well yes, that's very much true. The point is, however, that games don't necessarily need to be fun. Just as books and movies come in many different forms and tell stories that invoke a variety of emotions, games can do the same — To date, games have only scratched the surface of their true potential. It's only been

This is a distinctly divided subject. I'm personally a member of the "keep them in because the culture around it understands them and it doesn't feel right without them" camp, but I also understand how that can be detrimental to the experience of people who aren't familiar with it.

"time sink / text dump"

Eh. It's not meant to be 'fun' really. Engaging, interesting, thought-provoking... but not really 'fun'. And that's fine.