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I'm not much for politics, so I'll leave that to these guys. =)

Roger that. My angle came from a difference in word usage I suppose: to me, 'take' is similar to 'sample' in that it does not imply theft without context, which is perhaps why that sentence came across differently than intended. — i.e. I 'take' things from my desk all the time, which is not theft, and i 'take'

And my point is the term 'sample' alone has no implication whatsoever of whether or not permission was given, thus 'sample' cannot be used instead of 'steal'. That connection cannot be made reliably without additional context, and it is that context which will carry the suggestion of theft; not the word itself.

"If you take recorded material and use it in your recorded material it's stealing. Period." ...except when it's not, which is the majority of cases in professionally-produced work. If someone has been given permission to use a track in their song, be it by sale or otherwise, it is not theft.

'Sampling' in the context of music composition is just referring to the usage of a preexisting audio 'sample' (often a short clip that has been modified/chopped/rearranged/etc) within a song. It is a common practice in many music genres and the term does not imply theft of material. There are a lot of people that make

For some reason, genesis sound table makes everything way more listenable.

The Wii, Wii U, and GCN are in fact the same base platforms. What differentiates them is the infrastructure around which they're based — The Wii has an entire OS and associated frameworks for its games and channels, and if they changed any of that on the Wii U then pretty much everything would break. It seems more

WAVY's 10 On Your Side consumer advocacy program contacted Walmart for comment, but has yet to hear back. Not sure what the retailer could do at this point. A new 3DS would be nice, but the psychological damage is already done.

I got burned by this a few years back. Bought a new sound blaster audigy 2 ZS card from walmart, only to get it home and find that it was a different model sound blaster card that didn't even work. unfortunately, I forgot to pick up the receipt from the self-checkout, so i was screwed.

I've had one of these (not the big one; one like 5-6 inches tall) that I made in like 2006. Fun that someone made a giant version, though I get the feeling that the additional depth would destroy the illusion even more in person.

I was raised in northern KY (Mount Olivet, in the least-populated second-smallest county in the state, actually), went to college in Lexington, and now live in southern KY as a programmer. So, pretty accurate in my case. lol

I'm kinda sort of getting a little bit sick of the current internet crazy of people "recreating" things. If it's not recreating scenes from movies or famous paintings it's recreating gizmodo and youtube comments etc. We're getting into Reddit levels of annoyingness here.

for the curious (I don't really say stuff like "y'all", but these are the answers I gave for the local dialect where I live — note that the test randomizes which questions it gives you, and taking the test twice will give some different questions):

yuuup. nailed it for Kentucky.

i agree that in certain types of games (FPS in particular) keyb/mouse outclass other input systems dramatically. It's why I hate playing console FPS games. All that said, some games have managed to design the control scheme such that a mouse doesn't give any real advantage — be it because aim speed is limited or


Are you trolling? I kinda hope so. Assuming you are not:

nice clickbait there.

Yes, higher donation amounts do get in-game goodies. I'm fine with that. What I'm not fine with is the way they handle alpha/beta access as part of that; primarily the ridiculously high amounts required for them.

"if" because I didn't know what the circumstances behind the KS project were (it wasn't particularly relevant). Having looked at the KS since then, I've confirmed that they're just as insane as I thought, with the rewards being priced the same as the current packages.