Ford Fiesta... but really any rally car. I love watching 8 headlights flying through the dark on a dirt road.
Ford Fiesta... but really any rally car. I love watching 8 headlights flying through the dark on a dirt road.
Try it before you judge. Metro is cool, and it makes everything you do faster once you get used to it.
You can use a mouse and keyboard. It is no more difficult to use with a mouse and keyboard than any other windows computer
Oh well, another two weeks without power then
Its the same chassis, in no way the same car. I used to think the same thing until I saw one in person and talked to one of Tesla's engineers
Buy $600 phone. Won't spend $20 to protect it.
WTF is super retina? a fancier way of saying that its not full HD?
Would you please explain how the Iphone 5 outperforms all other phones? Lets get down to specifics here. Also explain to me what a retina display is. Sounds like its just a fancy word for saying that its a phone with a non-HD screen.
I would say the RAZR M is a great alternative to the Iphone. The rest of the web besides this site seems to really like it. I got it two weeks ago as an upgrade from the Droid X. Gotta say I love having a smaller phone with the same size screen. Plus its got the same specs as the two HD's coming out later this month…
Meh, Bought the RAZR M 2 weeks ago. I love having a phone smaller than my droid x with the same specs as the new HD's coming out.
For your typical Camry buyer grounded to the ground is technical talk. I imagine these are also the people that need a class on how to use their new iPhone, and use gps to go anywhere longer than a 15 minute drive.
Meh, I've seen thinner. You don't see Motorola complaining on how hard it is to fit parts in there.
This looks just like every other apple product ever created. How is it "stunning"?
Protege5 The car I learned to drive in. The handling prowess of the P5 definitely factored into my decision on buying a MS3.
Pretty sure this is fake. Just like all the other weird shit the "youth" supposedly do. Same with eyeballing and all the other dumb crap. Just made to drum up page views or viewership on tv
Win 8 doesn't hide the scroll bar
Just because of this one instance I won't be buying a ferrari any time soon.
You mad Bro?
Awesome car