Go follow him at the warzone at the drive. His content has only gotten better and he hired several writers who share his style.
When I was in school I had a Kaman scholarship. I got to go to Kaman and see the unmanned K-max development mules during a shop tour for scholarship recipients. Those things are awesome and even crazier looking in person. Their test flight path was also directly over my school so I got to see them in action as well.
You realize that there is no car on sale in the US today with a purely mechanical speedometer? Every car’s speedometer would fail if there was a massive electrical failure.
This comment deserves more stars
This comment deserves more stars
Any update?
Just came here to say that I love this image
I bet I’m in the 1% who would actually take the Odyssey over the Aston. It does all the things required of a normal car 1000% better, and I bet it would perform better at a track day because it wouldn’t break down after the first lap.
No, engineers in the US use English measurements
Just realized I saw one of these today. Was surprising and stood out because it had all the lights on but they were tucked away.
I think the same thing whenever I drive mine lol. I look up at the SUV’s and people in them on the phone while drinking a coffee and going 15 over the speed limit and think that they’re doing it wrong.
This times a million. Prove they can make it, and prove they can do it for the price they quote at.
Spline drive actually work better than 12 point. They hammer on and grab much better.
The US gave radar technology to the British and early radar was very short range ie: across the English channel during the battle of Britain. The British with modern day radar couldn’t tell us anything about what’s happening in the south pacific from the north Atlantic