
WTF? I click on the Depp link and get an Apple advert. A BIG one :/

Are you making that up? They have based the structure of their “organization” on an old episode of Seinfeld?

Are you really arguing that white women have it harder than women of color? Let me go get you that participation trophy from the oppression olympics.

Well, that damn song won’t die, that’s for damn sure, all 58 verses of it.

Seriously, Tracy Flick was raped by her teacher, and we’re supposed to feel bad for Ferris Bueller? Dude. He deserved all that bad shit.

Tracy Flick. She’s smart, hardworking, ambitious and willingly entered into a sexual relationship with an older man, so we must hate her. The dumb jock who got into an election because he got a blowjob is supposed to be the hero in the movie. So is the creepy teacher who tries to cheat on his wife with his former best

It is hypocritical for us to arbitrarily care so much more for dogs in these horrible intensive farming situations, than we do for the pigs and cows and chickens, who feel just as much pain, in farms here at home. That being said, I cannot WAIT to see Game Changers - the movie.

I’m super late to the party on this, but I just got super into The Great British Baking Show. It’s highly entertaining, and also very soothing.

This isn’t a contest for me: I’ll be voting for Ben Cardin as I have before. He’s a great Senator with a strong liberal track record.

Technically it’s illegal. But parents hire themselves as the kid’s managers and take a percentage. It happened to Gary Coleman, looong after Coogan’s law, Corey Feldman, probably Lindsay Lohan to an extent...the list, it goes on.

On the other hand, why should I give two shits what right wing publications think about anything whatsoever?

I love Stranger Things but everything about Millie Bobbie Brown makes me uncomfortable. She is 13 and supporting her family! That is not okay. She is an afterschool special on how not to be a child star. When I saw Sean Astin was going to be in Stranger Things I was hoping he could pull her aside and stage an

I am pulling REAL HARD for Jenny Slate and Chris Evans.

Not scary, but still…

Ah, I see you also have experience with the ever elusive (but only when they want to be) Narcissistus Vulgaris.

This isn’t about getting back together; it’s about his desire to have contact with her whenever he wants, however he wants simply because he wants it. He doesn’t care that he divorced her via text because he did what he did because he wanted to at the time.

lol @ paying $75 for a pizza festival in New York City. Oh midwestern gentrifiers.

I mean, I already knew he was a monster, but...

She’s 36. I’m no fan of Paris, but it makes me sad that people think that’s too old to enjoy life. Don’t give up on life just because you’re not 21!  

Friends who lie and exaggerate are the worst. I have one like this. We used to be best friends, but not anymore. She’s one of those people who has to one-up everything you say. If you believe everything she says, she’s jockeying for the position of The Most Interesting Person in the World, which works for