
I’ve felt this way since Stranger Things first blew up. Her dad is such a stage parent, and she’s supporting her whole family. All the ingredients of a child star meltdown are there. And then when tabloids started reporting on her relationships? Nope. I feel like she’s going to be Lindsay Lohan 2.0.

Yeah this is desperate and embarrassing even for Lena.

This thread has been so enlightening for me! Whenever I talk to Berners or DSA members, I always want to ask, “But are you familiar with the Democratic party at all?” Turns out their not! And they actually have the same antipathy to the Dems as their Republican parents. 

I remember when Paris Dylan was on Catfish, because she was involved in a truly bonkers story about a Canadian woman catfishing Paris and NBA player Chris Andersen.
Had no idea Don McLean was even still alive.

Election came out when I was a freshman in high school, and I always identified with Tracy and I didn’t understand the hate that was directed at her. It was painful to see a smart and ambitious girl thwarted by the mediocre people around her (and her teacher was totally a rapist and it’s so weird the movie played that

I never said the Hasidism were perfect and blameless. Some of them are terrible people! But if little white gentrifiers from California want to complain about them, they can fuck off.

I grew up in New York in the 80s. I remember when white people were scared to go above 96th St. Now they’re buying $2M brownstones in Crown Heights. They’re displacing everyone, including Jews. You know why the Hasidism don’t like bike lanes in Williamsburg? Because they’re a sign of gentrification; they’re a sign

Those replies were telling. I thought even her first tweet was pretty dog-whistle-y. And then to double-down by saying she can’t be antisemitic because her husband’s a Jew? Uh huh. Not only did no one notice the antisemitism, but no one thought that maybe her bad interactions with Hasidic Jews stem from her being a

As the person on Jezebel who had a problem with Amber Tamblyn’s tweets, I wanted to respond to this. I was pretty bothered by both her tweet and the responses to it, but white women are never wrong right?
Maybe I live in a bubble, but most of the people I’ve seen speaking out about Tamika Mallory’s association with

I posted her follow-up where she writes that she thinks Hasidic men are out to get her. You’re being purposefully obtuse. Good night.

I’m a Jew who’s lived in Brooklyn. I minded my own business and never had any problems with any Hasidic Jews. They keep to themselves. As I said before, I know how dangerous that intersection is and have never assumed anything about the race or ethnicity of any of the people who almost hit me nor did I think that

Misogyny and sexism exist in every culture and community. I’ve lived in Brooklyn too. There are aggressive drivers and attacks on women. That she thinks Hasidic Jews are particularly out to get her belies her own prejudice.

“If he’s sexist, how could he be married to a woman?” See how dumb that sounds?

Explains what?

This was her follow up:

Yeah there are so few (((Jews))) in Brooklyn. It’ll definitely help.

I used to live in Fort Greene and I would purposefully avoid that intersection. I had a few near misses there too. The light is very short for how long it takes to actually cross Atlantic. Maybe it’s because I’m not a celebrity, but I never took it personally. Traffic laws are more like suggestions in Brooklyn. Also

Well sex tapes are the Kardashian family business...

She actually grew up working class in Sacramento. I think the reason she doesn’t talk about her family much is to hide her roots.

Millie Bobbie Brown is giving me serious Lindsay Lohan vibes. I don’t know how any of the boys will fair as adults, but she does not have a good support system to navigate what she’s going through.
And as for, supporting her family, I thought that was illegal? My sister did some baby modelling and the money she earned