
Well now we know how he and Heidi only have two kids despite not using birth control.

I took one look at the picture and thought, “Amy, who did this to you??” What did she do to that makeup artist to warrant that?

I recently befriended someone who seems to be a compulsive pathological liar. She’s told me three different versions of her life story. She also used to live in another city and claimed to have known by a famous band and famous director that are from that city. I think the final straw was when she told me that a

The Love Witch was beautiful to look at, and had some amusing moments, but the plot was kind of thin and the Ren Faire scene went on for wayyyy too long.

Yes!! Couldn’t figure out who she reminded me of but that’s it!

This is scientifically accurate and correct.

It’s weird that she grew up wealthy in NYC, had access to incredible art and design and yet all her shit looks like it belongs in a J.C. Penney.

No, he seems like the kind of narcissist who would want to have a million kids. Plus it’s a nice way to squash all those cheating rumors.

I’m also 32, and while I generally love 80s music, movies and fashion. This show felt a little contrived and pandering to me. I thought San Junipero did a much better job of capturing that aesthetic and had compelling characters and a plot too. Probably doesn’t help that I grew up in NYC so this suburban setting is

The comments on this post are a good reminder of why I feel so alienated as a “Soviet-American.”

“You’re going to work hard. Not chest press, two sets of 10.” Wow, read for filth. lol.

“The German audience is not that familiar with the concept of a first daughter.” Is that shade? Judge Kara, can we get a verdict? 

Do emails count? Back when I was in college, they let us personalize our email addresses and I snagged jayne@[college].edu. I got a lot of normal emails about school stuff, but once I got an email from a dude to his girlfriend saying she had just left his apartment and he couldn’t stop thinking about her and how he

She definitely makes my life better.

How did I not remember that!?

Just coming here to say this! Also Backstreet’s Everybody should really have been on this list.

I had a roommate in college who was Brazilian and our dorm was spotless. We used to clean everyday. I remember we mopped the floor everyday and maybe also cleaned the bathroom too? We were living in a truly decrepit dorm room so it was really a testament to her cleaning powers. She said she’d grown up with two maids

Melania’s dress looks like it was made from a slanket, and Ivanka’s dress looks like it’s off the rack and wasn’t tailored properly. And Tiffany’s coat looks like something a 12 year old figure skater would wear. I’m not a fan of fashion “rules” but such a bright shade of white does look cheap and tacky and winter. Of

So then who voted for him!?

I remember it being good when I watched it in high school, but I tried rewatching it on Netflix and it was so annoying! I just don’t think it’s aged very well. I remember loving the twee New-Englandy-ness of it, but now Stars Hollow looks kinda tacky. I also remember loving Lorelei’s clothes and now I’m like “shiny