
So is her whole schtick retro-kitsch?

This was my thought process: “She reminds me of that actress... oh, what was she in? I think she was in a movie where she almost got murdered by wolves when her boyfriend was proposing... am I making this up??? No, it was that Andy Samberg movie, Popstar.”

That’s what living the suite life is about

I don’t know this girl, but does she not look exactly like Imogen Poots in that photo?

This is the correct order! I opened the article and was disappointed it was about my two least favorite Chrises. Evans4lyfe.

Pine and Evans love dogs. Pratt dumps dogs. Pratt can go walk off a pier.

Chris Evans is first but I’ll allow Chris Pine as an honourable contender (he won me over a bit in Wonder Woman).

I am completely perplexed as to why Hemsworth would be intimidated by Pratt. Pratt is the worst of the Chrises.

Me, in response to this headline:

What is that old saying? Oh, here we are: Money can’t buy taste. Or class.

Of course she’s dead. Also... this show was okay, but still didn’t deserve the hype and I look forward to skipping season 2

I am literally shaking with fear and rage. My bipolar disorder will cause any premium I pay to increase by 208%. I ALREADY can’t afford the premiums.

“...I’m older (26) and alone”

Thank you. I thought it was a Count Olaf-esque pseudonym.

I ❤️ thirties Katy Perry.

Are you a well known actor? A regularly employed actor?

And as I have stated before, big fucking deal rich girl is attractive. Plastic surgery, never having to do any manual labor, and a glam squad will do wonders for practically every person.

Now playing

Did everyone see Maxine Waters on All In with Chris Hayes?

I remember being thirsty *all the time* as a kid. The teacher would line us up at the water fountain and chant “1 2 3 that’s enough for me” and it was NEVER ENOUGH. Also “leave some for the fishes”, fuck the fishes, I’m thirsty!

Just realized that every person in today’s DirtBag is on a reality show. Goddamnit, we need some real stars causing trouble out there. This shit is unacceptable!