
This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this person.

Now playing

Yeah, that place was like the physical incarnation of “New York, I Love You But You’re Bringing Me Down.”

Ugh Tiffany, melania and ivanka aren’t helpless innocent women held captive. They have agency. Tiffany trades on her name.

This playlist loses all credibility by 1) not including “Backstreet’s Back” and 2) starting it off with an NSync song that pales in comparison to “I Want It That Way.”

Exactly! And an American having grown up with two maids would just be ever more lazy about the whole thing, never having ‘learned’ to clean. Like my Palestinian/Algerian boyfriends who were spectacular cooks, and shrugged it all off saying: We all just helped my mom in the kitchen. One would also hang all of our

I can’t stand that look of awe and childlike adoration on a grown woman’s face. It’s the look every woman with one marble rolling around in her head gives her husband when he’s got two marbles rolling around. Duggard shit

General strike. Shut EVERYTHING down. We cannot let this go any further. Everyone in the streets. See you there!

Honest question: couldn’t they have not taken jobs with people who are so awful? Do staffers take jobs with those who align with their political views or is that not how it works?

They don’t care if they’re helping or not. I have personally never met a protestor of this stripe (and by that, I mean the “anarchists”) who was really more than a young adult convinced of the fact that the world “just doesn’t get them” and that “radical action” will “wake people up.” In reality, it’s about little

Well guys, of course the fashion was bad! The dress shops sold out of dresses weeks ago!

Everyone has lied to me, everyone has deceived me… the SS has left me in the lurch. The German people have not fought heroically. It deserves to perish… it is not I who have lost the war, but the German people

A bunch of imbeciles

I feel like Amy Adams could have pulled this off without the facial prosthetics.

That’s adorable celebrity couple news!

I don’t like to compare former SOs with new ones because that’s not how life works, but... way to downgrade from Garrett Hedlund.

Really, that Opie dead eyed piece of shit?

So many women in DC want to marry me that the marriage store is out of marriages! Sorry ladies!

She scratched her ass on a sacred rock and nearly killed someone. So...

She deserves it! She does all the work in that house anyway! William H. Macy will just spend it on drugs!