
It’s strange to me that this is news now. I mean I’m glad it’s being talked about. But she said this FOREVER. Now people believe it because they heard men verify it?

I think they could have gotten away with “The Armoire” if they hadn’t thrown in the “we never had an armoire” thing at the end. I mean, the author says earlier in the story that she was told to put her toys in it and they ended up mangled and singed and she got blamed for it. It was so close to being both believable


UPDATE: One of the winners has since admitted that her story was fake, a clear violation of the rules. As such, the story has been removed and replaced, but you can still read it here. Please congratulate Look_for_the_Nines on his move to the top 10.

I think the two scariest ones were Venga and the one about the burned child’s ghost haunting that trailer. UGGGH.

That was an excellent selection. Although I wish it was one entry longer because the one about the guy on the Craigslist date with the guy who worked real estate and was making noises in the basement was terrifying. I thought about that story for DAYS after I read it. Scary as hell.

i really liked the farm with 3 ghosts: the gentleman, the boy and the trickster. that one was the best one for me.

For whatever reason, I was the most terrified by the mental image of a would-be attacker crawling on the floor. Just fucking terrifying.

you go to a junior collenge

Rough childhood, I’d guess.

True, he doesn’t have a great voice. But say what you will about Gwyneth, that gal can sing!

Yeah, I’m watching the show on Netflix now and it’s simultaneously addictive and yet . . . really bad? I cut it some slack because it was obviously made in a pre-Netflix world and is not designed for binge-watching—but when you watch episodes in quick succession it becomes pretty clear that the main characters are

For a period of time when I was younger, I was TERRIFIED of my bedroom in the dark. My parents were still married at the time and we (parents, me, and my sister, who is 11 years older than me) were living in a four-bedroom house in the Midwest — one of those new homes built as part of a subdivision on some former

A story of what happens when you co-habit with “ghosts” and my experience of the “shadow people” phenomena.
(Names changed for anonymity)


After college I lived with my boyfriend in his family’s townhouse in one of the oldest parts of London. They had told me lots of stories about “the ghost” which I found entertaining and ridiculous in equal parts. Nothing could have prepared me for living there. 

I don’t have a scary story, I do however have a very freaky photo that I took on a trip to Myanmar (Burma) last year...It was taken in the Shwedagon Temple complex in Yangon, and I swear I saw nothing until I got home and uploaded it onto my computer. Of course the explaination can be that it’s just someone looking

I’m not a dreamer. I have one or two dreams that I remember in a year, and they fade in a day or two. They’re generally surreal - like having to compete in a motocross to the airport so I can go on a date with Bjork in Amsterdam.

I told my mom’s story a few years ago and I think it was an honorable mention. That story still creeps me out but here’s one from my childhood that I actually witnessed.

In high school I did community theater in an old building on our town square that had probably been there 100+ years, but had clearly been renovated. In the back of the building was a small costume room - it was a long, narrow room, like an extra-long closet, with a door on either end, stuffed full of clothing from

This story is from my mother’s side of the family. Everyone who lived through it has a story.