I’d forgotten all about this. Thanks for the re-post. Fucking hilarious. “The Christians didn’t like that, huh?”
I’d forgotten all about this. Thanks for the re-post. Fucking hilarious. “The Christians didn’t like that, huh?”
Jus dug up one of the rambling “opinion pieces” I somehow got published in my college’s newspaper back when:
That was absolutely horrifying and all, but people like the medic and the Reverend give me a smidge of hope for humanity.
He’s spitting some of that Yiddish Ebonic to the man upstairs now.
“But that’s why I’m the sort of mean feminist that made everyone leave except you brave, brave red pillers. Kudos.”
I mean, Elba’s character turned out to be kind of a two-faced corporate douche himself, but yeah, he wasn’t necessarily wrong about Jim (pretty far off the mark with Dwight).
Before Trump’s election I thought maybe we’d gotten a little better, but if anything these types have just become craftier and more adept at code-talking and false equivocation in the wake of political correctness. They’ve just been waiting for a walking dog whistle like him to come along and grant permission, and he…
I’m pretty surprised they’re still a thing. Even as a kid I was out of touch, but do young people generally give a shit about MTV anymore?
Lynch is one of the few creatives for whom I’ll go “you know, I think I’ll reserve definitive judgment on this thing until I’ve rewatched all of it at least once, possibly along with the original series.” This is the sort of project that needs a little room to breathe and linger in the mind. I have a feeling it’ll end…
Knocking on wood, but I think you underestimate the extent of his narcissism and capacity for self-delusion. As long as he can bathe in the adulation of that vocal minority, he’s happy as a clam. I get the sense he believes it when he dismisses thousands of protesters as “not that many people.”
Pretty sure I understand where you're coming from. Sincere racists, toxic and appalling as they are, have genuine convictions that can be argued with (…to an extent), whereas Trump's mercenary, trollishly fluid "values" concern themselves with nothing but victory for the sake of ego. At least you have some idea how to…
Sickened to discover Cantwell is from my old college town. From the little reading/watching I've been doing, he seems legitimately unstable and probably wouldn't be savvy enough to conceive of something like that (on the contrary, I think he wants to be perceived as a general threat, or at least did until his own…
Boy cock! Girl cock! E-I-E-I-O!
"Well I can't get a lotta money if I can't get to work driving my rocket car!"
What you want, a cookie?
The InfoWars association really cements your credibility. Might I partake in your undoubtedly formidable stock of Super Male Vitality? I'm up to my eyeballs in gay frogs over here.
I severely underestimated just how hideous droves of Good Americans would reveal themselves to be once granted permission. I mean, I didn't think bigotry was over just because we elected a black man, but I figured we were moving in the right direction. More fool me. The sickness has obviously been festering just under…