plaid gym socks

Nick Offerman obviously doesn't know about the secret clause in the constitution which requires all incoming presidents to have sex with their predecessors.

Chicky Chicky Parm Parm.

Well, that's just plain awful. As someone who was in the military, I can speak to the amount of damage all of this infidelity and drama do, and how much more prolific it is in the military compared to the civilian world.

I think the other big thing is that the victim was a US citizen as well. If they had done this to a Bali native, extradition wouldn't even be on the discussion table. Honestly, they'd better pray they get sent back here or they will be blindfolded and bullet-ridden fairly soon.

I commented on another site that I think this app is a terrible idea, because what's to stop someone like an angry ex or an ex of an ex from doing this. Or hell, even an abusive spouse? There are just some things people shouldn't have the power to do with an app.

Professor of Mansplaining.

I believe his official title is "Dr. Fedora., PhD, Esq, SMH"

'Professor of masculinities' sounds like the epithet of an MRA in academia.

professor of sport, masculinities, and sexualities

This is a petty language thing, but I don't like it when people flippantly refer to themselves as "poor" when they mean that they can't buy all the beers at the bar that they want to/afford to go to Mexico this year/have to get a used but perfectly fine vehicle/can't replace the Macbook they dropped in the fan right

It grebes me to sea such an auk ward pun.

My cousin got up and spoke at my mother's funeral wearing light colored jeans and a long sleeved pink t shirt. She's a hairdresser, so I know she has clothes. She looked like she was on her way to the laundromat. I know some people would say that the deceased would want everyone to be comfortable. Bullshit. If

If people don't dress up for my funeral, my spirit will be on them like white on rice.

They keep puffin out their chests.

They look really funny, but it's probably a serious dispute to the penguins - Presumably they're fighting over one of the standard things wild animals fight about: social dominance, mates, territory or food. It would interesting to know what this fight is about.

I don't have a career in writing, so what do I know... But I do have an MFA in writing that I haven't put to use. Finished that degree and just sorta fell into a tech job with a culture that I really fit into, completely unrelated to writing, and just stuck with it. Always wondered if I ever could have made it in a

I'm a little on the fence about this, as I'm still pretty hung up on my last boyfriend (no jerking me around, is a really nice guy but legitimately wasn't ready to be in a relationship). So if he sent me the signal, I'd be flying, but I also do not have anyone new on the horizon. So I can empathize.

You walked away from first guy for a reason. Trust your own judgement, and keep walking.

I did it!!!!

I read about this yesterday, and despite all the awful things floating around on the internet right now, I won't deny that this made my day.