plaid gym socks

Thank-you! When something is wide-spread throughout the population, individualized causes do not make sense, systemic ones do, yet in this case as in so many others, the individualized notion of the problem gets huge media uptake such that it eclipses all other explanatory theories because the systemic notions

Who cares about being called "bossy?" I don't think there is a reason to be an asshole about things, but being assertive, not aggressive, works in most cases. The only time you need to be a jerk is when other people are being jerks, and typically that isn't the case. When it is, then take charge of the situation and

And WTF with calling me bossy when I am LITERALLY THE BOSS and it is my paid job to give you instruction and correction? How sweet can I make it? How many hugs and kisses do you want? Should I write your job description in icing on a home baked cake? Not that I have time to bake right now. I'm your employer, not your

This article mainly made me wish we didn't build sex up into this huge monumental THING. I wish we could treat it more like, I don't know, skiing. There are some risks you need to be aware of, some people start when they're young, other people don't try it until they're older, and there's nothing wrong with you if you

I feel like you seriously missed out by not including Go-Gurt. Because who doesn't want to eat unnaturally brightly colored yogurt from a tube! Also the two-tone Trix yogurt.

sorry about your limited knowledge about human psychology but being unable to react is common behaviour for humans in a situation of traumatic experience.

He and Tilda Swinton should be cast as siblings.

I work in a male-dominated industry and hearing someone refer to "females" is something I instantly, automatically correct. They do it innocently and usually are totally confused when I jump in. When asked to explain, I say exactly what you've detailed: it's a gender designation we use with animals.

Thank you for putting this so eloquently.

Not a single PERSON isn't guilty of this. It isn't a gendered thing.

It's because it's totally dehumanizing. We usually use the term "female" to refer to animals, not human beings. It makes the fact of a person's femaleness more important that the fact of their humanity. It also lends a false air of objectivity and science to a lot of incredibly fucked-up ideas about how women

I celebrate good days by doing experimental baking. Behold - vanilla bean butter cake filled with whipped orange-vanilla mascarpone... topped with bittersweet chocolate ganache and sliced almonds.

Social worker PSA:

"Just happy to do my part ladies."

I used to go to a bar in Rome that served chocolate shot glasses filled with various liquors and topped with a cubic fuckton of whipped cream and sprinkles/coconut shavings/cinnamon/etc.

Someone should tell the people giving artist Haley Morris-Cafiero the cut eye that they are the uncool ones. Seeing this article and her project (posted on Sociological Images) on the same day is messing with my head.

Yep. Remember after Angelina Jolie's mastectomy when everybody was scandalized about fratboy randos tweeting that they felt bad for Brad Pitt? I mean, what did they expect, when our culture keeps reinforcing the idea that the most insidious threat posed by breast cancer is the loss of a boner?

I personally hate the "I heart boobies" and "save second base" taglines because they imply that people should care about preventing breast cancer because boobs are totally hot, not because it's a devastating disease. That said, this is a ridiculous use of the court's time and the school's money.