plaid gym socks

I think what we really need is a cultural shift that values the fact that you can have children in your life without having one of your own. We need to embrace that whole "it takes a village" mentality to highlight the importance of aunts and uncles, neighbors, troop leaders, etc. As someone who doesn't intend on

Child-free is a phrase that I always thought was funny. Like 'Sugar-less Tea'. Sugar-less Tea is just TEA. And a child-free woman is just a Woman.

I can try and find an image, but I live in Mainland China and this is common in almost all job ads. If you are in a mall, for example, and see a "help wanted sign" it will often include age, gender, and height. I don't think there's a rationale, except for the fact that there's so much surplus labor that people can

Wow, are you sure we don't have the same dad? The luxury car thing, the guilt-tripping about the cost of school, the weight harassment - all of that sounds exactly like my stepdad.

My mom was surprised because she sent me to a counselor and shrink in college that didn't see it as bipolar at all. But after we talked about what it was and the symptoms were she was not surprised. Knowing her mom had been on lithium for 30 years, and her mom wasn't crazy or bad helped. Grandma was really

I agree with Sea Anemone in everything they've said. Its weird that he is stating that everything will happen on his terms. If you want to go to an event and he'll be there, go. Stay away from him. If he throws a fit, tell him he's not in control of your life and you can do what you please. Then walk away.

Because you can't hear it enough: Something is wrong with your dad. Not you, your dad. And it's not your job to fix him. He could be bipolar, like some people suggested, but there are other possibilities, too. No matter what is going on with him, he'll ultimately have to be the one who decides whether he seeks help or

Oh, I completely understand. I'm still trying to move on from my ex-wife after a 23-year relationship and two children who are now in college. We've been divorced for four years, live five doors away from each other, and spend much more time together than we should if we were serious about moving on, which I don't

Yay you for getting some support while you are home.

"on his terms."

Try this woman's recipes. They are simple, delicious, low cost, and involve no weird ingredients.

Sounds like he wants you to still be his girlfriend, but he doesn't want to be your boyfriend. I advise a "no contact" period. Say you need some time to yourself and you will reach out when you are ready to be friends. You get to decide when that is, if ever.

Adding here bc my iPhone hates kinja- most important- trust yourself'

I just want to say that, your boyfriend broke up with you. You don't owe him friendship. You don't owe him anything. You confided in him and he bailed. Whether you are friendly or not, he does not get to have any say on what events you do and do not go to. Even without the added stress of your home situation,

I'm so glad you have someone to talk to until you make it back to school.

A thousand virtual cookies-and-tea-and-hugs combos for getting help for yourself over the summer. As to your ex, I'm going to echo everyone else and recommend you cut off contact with him. He failed every "good SO/ex-SO" review I can think of, and the way he's behaving is very much not helpful. What further

I'm glad you found somebody to talk to. Remember, this isn't your life. This is just a tiny part of the beginning of your life. When you find the path to what will be your life, get on it and take everything with you that you value. Including the love of the people who love you.

In my experience with break-ups, people say they want to stay friends, and even try to maintain the friendship, when it really isn't what they need. If your ex is making you feel like an add-on, think about cutting ties with him for a while, because neither of you need that kind of complication. You sound like you're

Ugh, okay first: I am so, so sorry about all the crap you're having to deal with. No parent should treat their child that way. Random internet stranger hugs.

Good luck getting out of the toxic home and back to school. As for the ex, perhaps it would be better to move on without him? Something else to discuss with your therapist.