
Germans are very sensible about such matters. I had to check, but the oldest drinking age worldwide is 21, unless it is banned entirely as it is in 16 countries. Only the United States and 11 others have a legal age of 21: Côte d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Iraq, Kiribati, Micronesia, Mongolia, Nauru, Oman, Palau,

“No emergency fund, A skincare routine not supervised by a dermatologist?”

She would have had to gain weight to go up a band size. I used to fit bras, the right way! 99% of women who came for a fitting were wearing the wrong band size. This was in the UK, where most girls are taken by their mothers to Marks & Spencers to get their first bra. For some reason they have a reputation as the bra

Nope. Make-up artists are trained in all skin colours. Or should be. I am a model with Indian and Caucasian parents, so I have olive skin with a lot of yellow undertones. A very common skin colour. Most make-up artists can apply the correct colour of foundation to me with their eyes shut. But some still use a pinkish

America! How is this acceptable

Exactly, two wrongs do not make a right. As Floreat pointed out, he isn’t a young man and is quite lucky to still have teeth at all. Sorry about your trauma, keep smiling and don’t ever think there is something “wrong” with you! I do understand the other commenters point of view in saying that we can say whatever we

Thank you for pointing out his age, I hadn’t even thought about that. My dad has had false teeth since I can remember, so this guy is pretty lucky to still have a full set. Who cares what they look like? Do his ugly teeth somehow make him an even worse person? NOPE.

This is the internet. Arguing with strangers is the entire point. Believe me, I understand how having bad teeth feels- I’m English... I am sorry people give you shit about your teeth, that’s horrible. But I stand by my point. I had to google GFY and it seems a little over the top for this situation, so I am also sorry

Nope. Do you really think that shaming people helps in any way? How is saying he has bad teeth in any way relevant to his stupid comments? (Other than they are both related to his mouth...) His appearance has nothing to do with his views.

Of course he couldn’t care less. How does that make “teeth shaming” him ok though? Insult him for being a complete shit, fine, but once you start to insult his appearance it veers into hypocrisy.

He is a scientist. A misogynistic pig of a scientist, but still I seriously doubt he gives two fucks if his teeth aren’t perfect. His job isn’t to look nice. It drives me mad when Jezzies start body shaming, considering we are meant to be against this type of thing.

Chaffing is painful but can become a more serious problem if someone you are having sex with has a STD. My ex had herpes. We had plenty of sex when I had hair down there and nothing happened to me... one day I shaved, we had sex and boom! I had the symptoms within hours. I'm sure this applies to any STD transmitted by

I feel really sick now. How can someone, in this day and age, openly advocate rape and get away with it? The scary thing is people (women included!?!) are happy to believe it.

This is the problem! The system has now proved it has failed. If there is legalisation, there can be regulation and responsible sourcing. It does make sense that local products would be more ethically sound. Shame the natural stuff is generally better!

Drugs are very dangerous, sure. But you should be getting mad at the system, not the people seeking or producing the good stuff. People like getting high, we’ve been doing it for the last 13,000 years. My cat is a lunatic on catnip. Fuck the law.

This, plus enjoying them in your own bed at last=heaven

“4... There are little hairs everywhere that can burrow into your baby’s skin and cause an infection...” This is clearly bullshit. Is it meant to be a joke I’ve missed? Hair does not have a life of its own, especially when cut. Where on earth did you get this bizarre idea? Obviously chemicals suck, but exposing a

YUP. I’m a model with DD’s, have been sent home from work and missed out on lots of jobs because they got in the way. Girlfriends have had reductions to become more “fashion”. My agent told me I should to the same, obviously I told him to fuck off...but still a part of me wonders if my career could have been different

Screw you haters. As a non-meat eater, Subway is the ONLY option for me in suburbia/when on the road. Yes , the bread isn’t exactly bakery standard, and the tomatoes are mushy pieces of pale redness... But! If you can only chose between starvation, a sandwich full of salad (and as many pickles, olives and jalapeños as

If you can stomach smearing sheep fat all over yourself. I nearly threw up when I googled it after loving how good a certain lip balm was! I’m vegan, but even omnivore friends find it a bit weird when they think about it...