
Definitely going to try keeping it in the shower. My homemade body butter using these ingredients and coconut oil give better moisture, and has started to fade year old scars! Quite amazing. Natural products all the way!

Waxelene is fantastic! I’m (sort of) in the beauty industry so try LOTS of products. I also have an obsession with lip balms and usually have at least 3 in my bag. Other than my homemade beeswax, cocoa butter and coconut oil balm, nothing seems to moisturise as well as Waxelene. Beeswax is definitely the key here! I

I only realised it was a pseudonym in the last month or so. DEVASTATED. I probably did smell a fish as a kid, as there were some books I adored and some I hated, but I was too young (8-10 I suppose) to understand the concept of ghost writing, let alone that several people might be pretending to be my beloved Carolyn

yeah girl. Get it out! The issue with privilege is generally that those with privilege are oblivious to their power and therefore act like idiots because of it, or that they are very aware of their power and act like idiots regardless. You are obviously not acting like an idiot despite your "privilege" so fuck the

This is one of my most irritating habits. The amount of stuff that gets spilt all over myself or the floor, because I have somehow managed to survive on this earth for 28 years without learning to close lids. I have lost MANY cellphones to water bottles tossed carelessly open into my bag. Very annoying, especially as