Paul Logan

Auto sales in China are generally slower over the Lunar New Year period, when millions of people across the country take time off work and travel home to visit family and friends.”

Queue up pedantic know it all commenters on this article.”

If you live like a normal college kid you would have a or multiple roomates and then factor in opportunity cost of travel, it is about even or on the more expensive side. He still has roommates, they are just his parents.


Want to clear something up for everyone. “Both-siderism” is when you use the bad things that your opponents do to excuse the bad stuff that your own side does.

“…its evil twin, which generates energy (and a sizable amount of waste)…”

No one with a byline here gives a fuck about anything like that.

And once again not a SINGLE article about the rapes and murders of Israeli women and children as well as the pregnancies of Israeli women by the terrorists. This site isn’t feminism it’s an antisemitic place that the untalented go to rot. 

For the story and the plot, there was never any need for the Japanese perspective.

Alright then, you can start first with not pooping, as that harms everyone. Don’t live in a home because that uses resources, go live in a cave. Dont do anything fun. Dont drive. Dont have children because they are rather useless. 

My barbershop is also a for-profit company doing business because it wants to make money. When my barber picks up the mirror after cutting my hair, I tend to just say my hair looks good, without falling into a pissy little lecture about capitalism.

They are also silent on Hamas’ policies of forced birth, arranged marriages of underage Girls (in the real world we call that pedophilia), brutality against LGBTQIA+ people, violence against non-muslims, the hoarding of UN aid by Hamas and the eradication of free and fair elections. None of the above is to excuse

more fatphobic drivel.

“Superhero Fatigue” is a made up thing.  “Bad movie fatigue” is a very real thing.

This must be the “eating ass” that all the kids are talking about.

That big meanie Elon, how dare he not be a far-left loon

Cool story, bro.

Hamas pogrommed a bunch of girls at a music festival and attacked hippies on a kibbutz. They took hostages they won’t return.

Good! She deserves it. She continually lies about the only Jewish country in the world which is the size of New Jersey. By the way Gaza hasn’t been occupied since 2005. There are 23 countries that the OFFICIAL religion is Islam and 49 MUSLIM majority countries. There is only 1 Jewish country. Yet the left obsesses