Paul Logan

i don’t know what kind of metrics make a good actor or comedian, but he changed the way people use sarcasm in conversation. just by his delivery alone. like it or hate it, that’s what he did and that’s kinda extraordinary.

Holy shit you’re still blatantly lying about the now-confirmed hospital explosion being an errant HAMAS rocket, that also did way less damage than they lied about initially.

I think a lot of what she’s getting heat for is the knee-jerk equivocation and whataboutism in the face of a specific incident. It’s along the lines of a minority being unjustly killed by police and someone responds with “well they killed many more of each other in chicago last weekend”

Of course their market share will dip and continue to do so. The bigger question is, where does total ev share end up in the next 7 years and where is Tesla’s share of that market?

Laura Bush is a former librarian and has a master’s in library science. 

I don’t like country music, but I don’t mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means ‘put down’.” - Bob Newhart

This is.... I want to say very reasonable?

Though the Bernstein family defended Cooper’s decision in “Nose-gate,” there’s no getting around that in the five hours Cooper sat in the makeup chair daily, no one asked, “Are we sure about this?”

The OEMs need to start auctioning off first editions. Let them keep the profits for building something super desirable

Of course not.

Tesla had the largest price drop but I’m sure you know why already, with EV price wars playing a part. Tesla didn’t quite seem to know how to contend with a subsequent slowdown in sales, though the company has slashed prices left and right. With Tesla, price is always a moving target.

A buoy in Manatee Bay, which is in the Florida Keys, measured an ocean water temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38.3 Celsius) in late July, Reuters reported.

What they should do is restrict children to an 8-hour workday.  

People who accuse the other side of the isle of politicizing movies are the worst! Righties with calling Barbie “woke”, and Lefties with calling The Sound of Freedom “QAnon” are all crybaby imbeciles. 

Sounds like my brother got a job doing security for Wembanyama.

Since they don’t live in New York, I’m not sure what an average New Yorker’s monthly rent has to do with anything. But I’ll play along: How much does the average New Yorker pay in rent? Let’s take it a step further: How much does the average New Yorker pay, per child, in child support?

Zooming out, the tone of this is

If the OEM tire is PS4S, yes. If not, get PS4S.

Sickening article. That is Jeanie Dubnau, the Co-Founder of the Riverside Edgecombe Neighborhood Association (RENA), a tenants & housing rights advocacy organization in Upper Manhattan. She has +40 years advocating for low income NYers of all races and done more for black people than Adams ever will. She is also a

If you are a public official and need to demand respect, I think you are proving you don't deserve respect.

Immediately brought this to my mind: