Paul Logan

I see the morning shift from about 2 hours ago or so. But yea, other than that, I don’t see anything.

I remember after my first night in my new house, bemoaning the fact that I had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars per day for lodging. 

The burning of fuel is irrelevant as the minimum mass of the car is without fuel. I believe they make them drain it at the end before weighing.

I’m just saying that when Japan and Germany team up on a project, the outcome is kinda doubtful.

Chris Claremont is straight and white and he defined the X-Men.

I don’t understand how this narrative persists. People needed to see Wandavision to understand MoM the same way people needed to see The Phantom Menace to understand A New Hope.

The problem isn’t the multiverse or the was a bunch of half baked scripts, missed opportunities and bad

Just switch it to 480v swap the neutral and hot, should stop theft

the comments here proves her point

It’s just regular old PEMDAS: Paramount+, Exponents, Max, Disney+, Apple TV+, and Subtraction

> All sound comes with pressure, and when it’s canceled by an opposite wave form, there’s still pressure, more even

“Spiritual McConaughey character outsmarts the scientists and saves the day with the power of love”

but with amphibians

The “green” angle of F1 just has to die. The lack of wet weather tires at Suzuka was a tragedy all in the name of making something that cannot be made environmentally friendly, “environmentally friendly.” And as a result, ticket-buyers sat in the rain and watched nothing happen.

Bruh. That looks like a futuristic bar of soap. The Zonda as it is has no bad angles.

See also: Heath Ledger getting cast as the Joker.

looks like kotaku is officially dead.

This is actually an enjoyable and fairly well written article on what’s turning out to be the best show on TV right now. Whoever decided to saddle it with this asinine title should be fired.

Ah yes, the weekly Jalopnik financial article written by someone who clearly doesn’t understand the underlying subject matter.

Um .... No. Just no.

Not how you qualify “all-time high” with commodity prices but OK.