Paul Logan

Your train statement is factually incorrect.

Obviously Ford Blue and Ford Pro have investments while still remaining profitable. But their entire product line doesn’t revolve around 100% brand new investment to get off the groun. Ford E’s entire product line consists off ALL brand new R&D expense. Apples to Monkeys. 

What questions were bad faith? Dude felt like he has been totally ignored for 7 months. Maybe he really is some crazy guy. I don’t know. But your entire logic relies on whatabouting the Trump WH. Not exactly solid footing. 

What doesn’t? Arguing that bc some shit head did something before it makes it ok for me to do it now? cool logic. 

congratulations, you’re no better than donald fucking trumps admin. what a joke.

Clearly you don’t read the news. It’s delayed. Bragg is fucked. Accused of hiding hundreds of pages of exculpatory evidence???

How does she not taking press questions have anything to do with the current admin.? Is your point, hey, at least we’re not as bad as the worst?

what the fuck does that have to do with Biden’s press secretary???

But’s it’s not. It’s looks like a severe over reach of a Manhattan da that might just get thrown out at worst and end up being a nothing burger misdemeanor at best.

In defense, if I banged a porn star and she compared me to the literal professionals she’s used to, I’m sure myself and many like me would be very mediocre.

I’ll just watch jungle cruise one more time and all will be forgiven. 

ok? so what?

Put simply, Jackson’s dissent doesn’t appear political on the surface, or invoke any stated support for abortion rights.”

Anti-biotic-resistant strains”

Yes totally ridiculous. You can see how it really isn’t that far of a stretch to say they cared more about woke culture than actually running a bank. fucking shit for brains bankers. 

Don’t forget jada!

At the moment, there aren’t concrete recommendations for what the average person should do to avoid an infection.”

Might want to try to avoid a civil war in the meantime.

They didn’t have a fucking risk management officer for 8 goddamn months. But, hey, they sure as shit had an ESG officer.

How about the McLaren F1's taillights off of a Bova coach bus!?